Your New Winter Skincare Habit!

Your New Winter Skincare Habit!
We are smack dab, in the middle of the winter months! Every time the seasons change, our skin is expected to adjust, and we are quickly Googling to see what we need for dry skin, red skin, chapped skin, or increased breakouts.
Something my clean-living journey has made me realize is the simple ingredients make a BIG difference. When it comes to essential oils, outside of a sleep solution for kids, skincare was next up on my “aha” moment list. As I continued to incorporate natural ingredients into my beauty routine and learned how essential oils worked, I transformed my skin to be the best it has EVER been.
However, the winter months sure do throw me for a loop! That was until I discovered the oil cleansing method. As a female with oily skin, I immediately pumped the brakes on this skincare habit. However, the more I read, the more curious I got.
Guess what?
I have been oil cleansing for at least 6 years now. It started with a DIY recipe and then I fell in love with an oil cleanser from one of my favorite essential oil lines called Mirah.
I am someone who needs to wash their face when they wake up. Then, I usually workout and need to wash it once more. Come bedtime, I am cleansing once more! That is a lot of stripping away dirt and oil and obviously can contribute to my oily skin.
In reading about oil cleansing, I learned that oil dissolves oil. When you massage your oil cleanser into your skin, it is dissolving all the dirt and oil from your day and nourishing it with the new oil! This is perfect for those of us who tend to wash multiple times a day. Even for any of us looking to restore balance in our skin’s moisture levels.
Here is a list of carrier oils you can use: 
Castor Oil (cleansing)
Rosehip Oil (nourishing)
Sunflower Oil ( all skin types)
Avocado Oil (dry skin)
Sweet Almond Oil (oily skin)
Jojoba Oil (oily skin)
Apricot Kernel Oil (dry skin)

Some of my favorite essential oils to add: 
Melrose (a blend that is fantastic for irritated or skin that breaks out)
Lavender (calming)
Frankincense (aging with grace)
Grapefruit (skin tone)
Lemon (clogged pores)
Geranium (skin tone)
Joy (floral blend)
Palmarosa (balance)
Peppermint (balance)
Here is a great DIY recipe and directions to get started! Keep in mind, you can swap the carriers and essential oils out for your skin type.
2 Tablespoons Castor Oil
2 Tablespoons of Rosehip Oil
2 Tablespoons of Jojoba Oil
10 drops Joy or Geranium
5 drops Grapefruit or Lemon
5 drops Frankincense
Combine in a pump or squeeze bottle. Massage about a teaspoon of oil cleanser into your skin. Grab a washcloth and soak it in very warm water. Place the washcloth on your face and steam the dirt and oil away. Wipe clean.
If you prefer to purchase a cleansing oil. My favorite is the Lustrous Mirah Cleansing Oil from Young Living. It lasts me months and months. I use it in the morning when I don’t need such a deep clean. It is loaded with floral oils which is just what my almost 40-year-old face needs! You can grab it below.

All you wanted to know about Lemon and more!

All you wanted to know about Lemon and more!
This $12 bottle of oil that packs a punch. The list of uses almost seems endless. I am going to list some below, but rest assured, that list could go on and on. Here are some fun facts about lemon oil.

Fun Facts: 
It takes 75 lemons to get one 15 mL bottle of Lemon Oil.
Lemon is distilled from the rind, not the fruit portion. What does this mean? Lemon is pH neutral. If you are someone that struggles with an acidic tummy, lemon oil may be a better option over lemon juice.
Key Constituents: 
Limonene, Gamma-terpinene, Beta-pinene
According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference, lemon oil is considered an immune stimulant, supports the circulatory system, can support issues related to UTIs, is a great addition to a skincare routine when it comes to breakouts, and can be used to support the digestive tract. 
Diffusing lemon not only helps with stale odors and air, but its cleansing properties make it the perfect addition to an immune support blend. It is also perfect when trying to promote relaxation and balance your mood when you are feeling down in the dumps. 
Lemon is a great addition to a DIY face toner or moisturizer. Please note, it is considered photosensitive, and caution should be taken if you are going to be out in the sun. It is also considered a “hot” oil. This means it requires dilution with use of a carrier oil before applying to your skin. I personally, love lemon in our immune support roller blend with Thieves and Frankincense. 
Lemon is a great addition to your water or to a capsule with carrier oil. If you are looking to support your circulatory system, your digestive tract, or just wanting to provide your body with another load of antioxidants, incorporate it into your daily routine. I like to add it to my Ningxia daily to help “cleanse” the system and provide an extra dose of nutrients. 
Please note, never put your oils into a plastic or Styrofoam cup. Stick with stainless steel and glass. 

All the ways to use Lemon…
-I like to call it “Nature’s Goo Gone”. Use it to remove residues from sticky surfaces. 
-Drop a few drops into a grimy pan. Add hot water, let sit for five minutes and you are set to clean. No soaking required. 
-Lemon’s antibacterial properties make it a stellar addition to your bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner. I add 5-7 drops per 16 ounces. 
-Make a glass cleaner with 7-10 drops Lemon, ¼ cup vinegar, and 16 ounces of water. 
-Add Lemon to a roller bottle with Thieves and Frankincense for a stellar immune support roller. 
-Massage Lemon over the bridge of your nose when stuffy. 
-Add Lemon oil to your favorite DIY toner or cleanser to help with clogged pores and acne. 
-Add Lemon oil to DIY face mask to brighten complexion. 
-Drink 1-2 drops of lemon in your water daily to for an extra support to your liver, kidneys, and circulatory system. 
-Add Lemon to a roller of Peppermint and Digize for to sooth an unsettled stomach.
-Add to your DIY Soft Scrub recipe to double down on that grime. 
-Diffuse with Peppermint and Rosemary while studying or trying to focus. 
-Pair with Purification in the diffuser when drying to eliminate odors in your house. 
-Diffuse with Thieves when an illness is being passed around the house. 
-Pair with honey, apple cider vinegar, and warm water for a “healthy gut” tea. Add some Thieves for an extra boost of immune support. 
I just know I am missing something on this list. Please, share the ways that you love to use your lemon oil below!

Itchy Scalp...

Itchy Scalp...

The last blog entry led to more questions about tools that can be used to struggling with an itchy scalp. 

There are so many factors to consider when dealing with an itchy scalp. Is it dry? Is it dermatitis? Is it stress related? There are somethings you can be doing to help maintain a healthy scalp that can help with all the above. 

From the inside: 

Again, check your diet. If it is high in sugar, this could lead to imbalance in pH and the good bacteria your skin needs to thrive and be healthy. Once more, a quality probiotic, such as Life 9, can support this. Not only, can you take it as directed BUT you can open a capsule up and add it to your shampoo from time to time to support your scalp with some healthy bacteria. 

Another way to get that scalp exposed to healthy bacteria, is with an apple cider vinegar rinse.


Supplement the conditioning benefits of our hot oil treatment with our clarifying apple cider vinegar rinse. If built-up product has left you in a hairy situation, use this recipe to help untangle the mess. After you rinse away the excess weight from dead skin cells, pool chemicals, saltwater, shampoo, and conditioner, you’ll notice more bounce and volume to your hair.

In addition to helping, you nail the perfect hair flip, our apple cider vinegar rinse also soothes the scalp and adds luster to your locks.

What you need:

YL tip: For dry hair, use 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar; for normal to oily hair, use 1/2 cup.

How to make it:

1. Mix all ingredients together in the spray bottle.

2. Spray mixture all over hair, focusing on the scalp and roots. Lift hair in sections to make sure you completely saturate your hair—your hair should be thoroughly damp, but not dripping.

3. Massage into scalp with fingertips to stimulate the scalp and increase circulation.

4. Let the mixture sit for 2-3 minutes.

5. Rinse, then shampoo and condition hair as normal.

6. Use once per week.

 Check out this Lavender Life blog entry for more recipes that support a healthy head of hair.

See the above link for more hair recipes from Young Living.  

Now, let’s chat supporting those over symptoms of an irritated scalp. There is nothing worse than an uncontrollable itch on your head and a pile of flakes on your shoulder. Over time, I have seen really great results using Young Living’s Voluminous Lavender Shampoo (remember, it contains MSM!! 😊) and the addition of some of my favorite oils. 

My favorite blend of essential oils to add to my Lavender shampoo are Melrose (blend), Cedarwood, and Peppermint. Now, you do not want to overdo this and walk away with an oily head of hair. I recommend starting with 1 drop of essential oil per ounce of shampoo. If you need to add more, you can always do so. If you add too much, then you are going to struggle. If your bottle is 8 ounces, add 2 drops Melrose, 3 drops of Cedarwood, and 2 drops of Peppermint. 

Take to topical application up a notch post-shower! Create a scalp mist to spritz on your scalp before drying. See the recipe below: 

4 ounce spray bottle

2 ounces distilled water

2 ounces alcohol-free witch hazel

2 drops Melrose

2 drops Lavender

2 drops Cedarwood

2 drops Peppermint 

Spritz scalp and massage mixture into the root of your hair. Blow-dry as usual! 

If you are interested in trying these recipes and do not have all these oils on hand. Do not hesitate to reach out for assistance with substitutions. 

Here is to a healthy head of hair!

Favorite Things Giveaway #1

Favorite Things Giveaway #1
Favorite Things Week #1: Savvy Minerals Lengthening Mascara
Savvy Minerals is a product line we don't talk enough about! Yet, it is one of Young LIving's product lines that I use the most. Clean make-up! What does that mean?
The U.S. bans 11  potentially harmful chemicals from cosmetics. ( yup, that is not a typo)
The European Union bans 1,328 potentially harmful chemicals from cosmetics. 
Savvy Minerals has banned 2,500 potentially harmful ingredients! Including some "natural" ingredients other companies use. 
If you all haven't watched the documentary "Toxic Beauty", it is a must watch for all. We are responsible for what we put on our bodies, and a simple, healthy switch, is with your cosmetics! Unfortunately, lots of label reading and research is involved when attempting to purchase a clean product. The beauty of shopping with Young Living, is their transparency. Their standards are high and the Young Living consumer knows, they can trust the ingredients in their products.
I have been a Savvy Minerals user for almost three years now! I was satisfied with everything but the mascara. That was a flop! However, Young Living listened to their consumers and with the recent Spring Launch, Young Living released two NEW mascaras. They now have a Lengthening and Volumizing mascara! It was a hesitant purchase but the two years of reformulating was worth it! They have hit the mark with these two new additions!  
For everyday wear, I LOVE the lengthening formula! Savvy Minerals Lengthening Mascara is made with lash-loving ingredients, including Lavender essential oil, arginine, buildable natural plant fibers, and carnauba wax to take your lashes to new heights. Our clean, richly pigmented formula glides on without unwanted clumps or flakes to lengthen and define lashes. The brush is small with defined bristles to create a light look but adds length for just enough pop! 
If you are looking for a more dramatic look, use the Volumizing mascara first ( fuller lash look), and layer it with the Lengthening mascara . We want to share this favorite new item with you!! 
To be entered to win the Savvy Minerals Lengthening Mascara, comment below with the make-up item that would be hardest for you to part with! 
(Also, if you are looking to try some Savvy products, slick on SHOP in the Virtual Office. Then go to "Essential Specials" and you will see a list of items that are currently on sale. )