Brain Dump to start the Week!

Brain Dump to start the Week!
I spent all of 2022 doing "thought dumps" or "thought downloads" at the beginning of my day to help get myself into a better headspace. It was a new routine I had worked into to my mornings and loved the shift I saw in my approaches to  the hard days and weeks. Getting my thoughts out on paper helped me sort through my emotions and mindset. It was a game changer when it came to starting my day. 

Cue a few weeks ago when I woke up on a Monday morning and overwhelm hit. I knew the weekly to-do list in my head was a mile long. However, the thought of "all the things" left me feeling frozen and stumped on where to even begin. I have always been a pen and paper gal so I quicky started making one long list for the week. I love being able to cross tasks off as I tackle them. However, this time I was still feeling the overwhelm. It dawned on me to categorize my to-dos. One list for things to be done around the house, one for my new speech therapy business, one for my essential oil business, one for the boys. I quickly prioritized all the tasks. I pulled what needed to be done right away from each list and put it down for Monday. Then I wrote down what my list needed to be for Tuesday, and so on. When I saw that long list turn into short, doable lists organized into days, I felt a weight lift. In a matter of minutes, my brain dump turned into an organized week of tasks that would be crossed off by Friday!  

For the past two weeks, I have been quickly creating a hand drawn grid with pen and paper to create my Monday Brain Dump. Today I decided this habit was going to stick and created a printable that would make the "To-Do List Break Down" look more organized and clean! 

You are invited to start this habit with me. Enjoy the free "Weekly Brain Dump" printable below!

Travel Tips!

Travel Tips!
✈️If you are traveling over the holidays, don't forget your scarf and essential oil of choice! 
🚗Peppermint is my oil of choice this time of year. It helps me stay peppy during a long travel day, keeps smells near me fresh, and comes in handy should movement start to get to me. 😊 I like to put a drop behind my ears and on the back of my neck. 
🚅The scarf will keep you cozy, warm, and comfy! It is also a great tool to keep the aroma of your oil near. I place a couple drops of oil in the palms of my hand and swipe them along my scarf. If I am  in need of some fresh aromas asap, I simply pull my scarf up to my nose. ( You could also add a drop to your mask). 

If you are someone who needs some calming, grab Valor, Stress Away or Peace & Calming. 

#momtip : Apply the calm oils to your scarf if you will be rocking a baby.

Travel Roller: 
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Lemon
5 drops Purification
Place in 10 mL roller bottle and top with carrier oil. Apply behind ears, along clavicle, and your travel scarf. 

Grab these travel staples here.