All you wanted to know about Lemon and more!

All you wanted to know about Lemon and more!
This $12 bottle of oil that packs a punch. The list of uses almost seems endless. I am going to list some below, but rest assured, that list could go on and on. Here are some fun facts about lemon oil.

Fun Facts: 
It takes 75 lemons to get one 15 mL bottle of Lemon Oil.
Lemon is distilled from the rind, not the fruit portion. What does this mean? Lemon is pH neutral. If you are someone that struggles with an acidic tummy, lemon oil may be a better option over lemon juice.
Key Constituents: 
Limonene, Gamma-terpinene, Beta-pinene
According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference, lemon oil is considered an immune stimulant, supports the circulatory system, can support issues related to UTIs, is a great addition to a skincare routine when it comes to breakouts, and can be used to support the digestive tract. 
Diffusing lemon not only helps with stale odors and air, but its cleansing properties make it the perfect addition to an immune support blend. It is also perfect when trying to promote relaxation and balance your mood when you are feeling down in the dumps. 
Lemon is a great addition to a DIY face toner or moisturizer. Please note, it is considered photosensitive, and caution should be taken if you are going to be out in the sun. It is also considered a “hot” oil. This means it requires dilution with use of a carrier oil before applying to your skin. I personally, love lemon in our immune support roller blend with Thieves and Frankincense. 
Lemon is a great addition to your water or to a capsule with carrier oil. If you are looking to support your circulatory system, your digestive tract, or just wanting to provide your body with another load of antioxidants, incorporate it into your daily routine. I like to add it to my Ningxia daily to help “cleanse” the system and provide an extra dose of nutrients. 
Please note, never put your oils into a plastic or Styrofoam cup. Stick with stainless steel and glass. 

All the ways to use Lemon…
-I like to call it “Nature’s Goo Gone”. Use it to remove residues from sticky surfaces. 
-Drop a few drops into a grimy pan. Add hot water, let sit for five minutes and you are set to clean. No soaking required. 
-Lemon’s antibacterial properties make it a stellar addition to your bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner. I add 5-7 drops per 16 ounces. 
-Make a glass cleaner with 7-10 drops Lemon, ¼ cup vinegar, and 16 ounces of water. 
-Add Lemon to a roller bottle with Thieves and Frankincense for a stellar immune support roller. 
-Massage Lemon over the bridge of your nose when stuffy. 
-Add Lemon oil to your favorite DIY toner or cleanser to help with clogged pores and acne. 
-Add Lemon oil to DIY face mask to brighten complexion. 
-Drink 1-2 drops of lemon in your water daily to for an extra support to your liver, kidneys, and circulatory system. 
-Add Lemon to a roller of Peppermint and Digize for to sooth an unsettled stomach.
-Add to your DIY Soft Scrub recipe to double down on that grime. 
-Diffuse with Peppermint and Rosemary while studying or trying to focus. 
-Pair with Purification in the diffuser when drying to eliminate odors in your house. 
-Diffuse with Thieves when an illness is being passed around the house. 
-Pair with honey, apple cider vinegar, and warm water for a “healthy gut” tea. Add some Thieves for an extra boost of immune support. 
I just know I am missing something on this list. Please, share the ways that you love to use your lemon oil below!

How to Master the Perfect Fall Blends

How to Master the Perfect Fall Blends
Fall is almost here and our diffusers are about be worked overtime! Lucky for you, all those favorite fall oils, are amazing for immune support and keeping the air in your home fresh! That isn't something you can say for the fall candles that people gravitate to. 

Why diffusing is better than candles: 

  • Variety! I love being able to change the aroma going through our home. When I used to purchase candles, I was stuck with the same fragrance day after day. 
  • A clean, toxin-free aroma for the home. The mist benefits your family! Fragrance from candles, negatively impacts your immune system. 
  • Control! You can decide how strong or how mild you want to aroma going through your home. 
  • Customize! You can still have a fall aroma but oils allow you to create aromas that uplift, assist in relaxation, or simply help with fresh air throughout your house.
How to  create some amazing blends:

  •  Consider what kind of aromas you prefer in the fall. We are not all pumpkin spice lovers ( I can hear some of you gasping right now :) )
  • Pick 1-2 blends to keep in rotation. You will also want 3-4 singles to pair with your blends. 
  • Keep in mind the reasons you typically diffuse. Do you need calm oils? uplifting? focus? 
  • Start with 2-3 drops of your blend and layer with your singles. Start with a total of 8-10 drops. If you are sensitive to smells, start lower. Fall blends can be quite strong. Start on the lower end of drops and you can always add more.  
If you like woodsy and herbal:

  • Blends to look at: Sacred Mountain, Thieves, Abundance, Believe, Gratitude, Magnify Your Purpose, GeneYus
  • Singles to look at: Lavender, Peppermint , Rosemary, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Pine, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Black Pepper, Orange, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Cardamom, Frankincense, Clove, Idaho Blue Spruce, Juniper, Cypress, Idaho Grand Fir, Vetiver, Copaiba
If you like sugar and spice: 
  • Blends to look at: Stress Away, Abundance, Citrus Fresh, Thieves, Exodus II, Transformation
  • Singles to look at: Orange, Lemon, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Cardamom, Bergamot,  Cedarwood, Copaiba

What do you all have your eye on? I am partial to woodsy and herbal BUT I do like some sugar and spice on a Sunday morning! Happy diffusing! 

Just what this mama needed...

Just what this mama needed...
"Things will slow down after the holidays..." 

Between moving a Christmas travels, I cannot tell you how many times I told myself this throughout the month of December. Well guess what, it is February and things have not slowed. Apparently, this pace of  life is the new normal. With a million tabs open in my brain along with a million different emotions in rotation, I find myself holding things in and going through the motions of our days to keep things running smoothly. 

I am in constant need of stress relief but find it difficult to take the time to really sit and enjoy the stress free moments. Essential oils have helped me catch myself from losing my mind a time or two by simply cracking open a bottle of Stress Away or Valor and taking some deep breaths. I can catch myself, think through my actions, and clear my head for a few moments. An added bonus to these magical bottles of aromatic bliss, is the ability to apply them topically.  I love to apply them to my neck, my ears, chest, ends of hair, wrists, and even my favorite diffuser jewelry so the aroma stays with me longer that just a few moments. I mean, who wouldn't want to wear the aroma of White Angelica throughout the day??? 

My new favorite is Release. This oils is the perfect combination of floral, woodsy, and citrus scents. The aroma is very "perfume-like". While it is serving the purpose of taming those emotions, it is also serving the purpose of acting as my " perfume" for the day. You will literally have to peel yourself away from the bottle and find yourself hovering over the diffuser with this blend. I opened the bottle, immediately reached for a roller fitment, and dropped this baby in my purse. This pleasing aroma was just what this mama needed in this busy and emotionally charged season of life.  

Have you ever developed an instant love for an aroma? Isn't it amazing how aromatics can affect our state of mind. 

Finding balance with citrus oils!

Finding balance with citrus oils!

I am here to chat citrus oils and diffusing with you today! Why do we love citrus?
1. The are fantastic for our health.
2. They smell clean and fresh.
3. They are great by themselves or blended with other singles or blends.
4. They are inexpensive!!

How many of you have ever added a Purification, Joy, or another strong blend to the diffuser and completely wrote it off??? ✋ Don't do that! 😂

The first thing a veteran oiler will tell you to do is reach for your citrus oils. These aromas help to balance the strong smell of a blend you may need but can't quite handle. This was me with Joy. Whew! I thought I would LOVE that blend of floral goodness but I was overwhelmed with the aroma when I first cracked that bottle open. I soon learned that Grapefruit, Lime, or Orange would balance it out for me!

When you are looking for a fresh, bright note to be added to your diffuser blend, add citrus. When we get new members, one of my first recommendations is, stock up on your citrus oils! You can create energizing or calming blends with them and as said before, they are very affordable.

Here is a list of our citrus oils:

Citrus Fresh

What is missing from your arsenal???