Post Virus Nourishment!

Post Virus Nourishment!
When it comes to being sick, we tend to do everything we can to alleviate the symptoms and kick the illness to the curb BUT what about the recovery? 

When we get sick, our bodies put everything they have into fighting the infection. This is why the aftermath can have us feeling drained and the feelings can linger on and on. Our body is inflamed and it needs extra nourishment to heal. 

Three things my family has on hand for moments likes these...
Golden Turmeric-
If you have not looked at this supplement yet, you are missing out on a stellar turmeric supplement that will not find anywhere else. It contains 24 times more bioavailable turmeric than your standard product. It also contains Frankincense resin! Frankincense resin!!! Your body will be thanking you for supporting any issues of inflammation it is struggling with. 

There is a reason this gem is currently out of stock but one of my favorites that you can use in it's place until it returns is AgilEase. This also contains Turmeric and Frankincense resin in capsule form. To top it off you have a bundle of oils to support inflammation AND collagen and glucosamine. 
If you haven't search melatonin and the vid, please do!  Immupro is so much more than a melatonin supplement. Not only does it contain melatonin, it also contains antioxidants, to combat all the oxidative stress our bodies are exposed to everyday, especially if we have been sick. You also get a dose of zinc and selenium. The adaptogenic mushroom blend in these chewable tablets, gives you an extra punch in combating oxidative stress and inflammation.
Frankincense & Lemon-
Put this in some coconut oil and massage over your chest, neck and lymph nodes. Lemon is cleansing &  Frank is healing and supports an issues of inflammation.  Also, a great addition to an Epsom salt bath as your nurse your body back to health. 
***Bonus: if you have Thieves chest Rub, I would add a couple of drops to over your application of chest rub.  
Bath Salt Recipe: 
1/2 cup Epsom Salt
1 TBSP Baking Soda
3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Lemon

Drop salts into a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. 

Diffuser Recipe: 
4 drops Lemon
3 drops Frankincense

If energy levels are something you are struggling with, look into Multigreens & Super B

These are also items you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep your immune system strong and ready for what hits it next. On the daily, I like to take Ningxia Red ( antioxidant shot), my Turmeric supplement, and our Vitamin C supplement (Super C). 

Do you have a routine that you follow to nourish the body, post illness? What has helped you?

Shop from the bundled products, here!

This importance of wake up call

This importance of wake up call

Sugar...when I realized the impact it has on our health…


We are all coming off of a holiday high where our sugar intake was probably at its highest of the year. Have you ever thought about how we absolutely impair our immune system while indulging in our holiday fun and wonder why January and February get us down with illness? 

Sugar effects everything!!! If you are sitting there saying, "Well I don't really eat sweet stuff..." Well, I got news for you, you do not have to have a sweet tooth to overload yourself on SUGAR! America isn't overweight and unhealthy because we are lazy and don't exercise. We are unhealthy because our food is completely riddled with sugar. It isn't always easy to spot, either. Also, sugar is addictive. So that does not help with things either. When we feed our body crap, it craves crap! 


When were my eyes opened? When I started to try and conceive and struggled. The doctor looked at me and said, “We can just give you some Clomid and that will solve your problem.”  For some reason, I was not ready to do that and asked the question "WHY?" No one in my family had a history of infertility. Due to me asking that single question, I opened a can of worms that I probably would have never discovered. After bloodwork and an ultrasound, I was told I had PCOS. I had a 2 cm cyst on one ovary and a 6 cm one on the other. I also had what they called a “pretty little pearl necklace” of cysts around my ovaries. Again, the question, "WHY?". It was then that I was told to look at a book called "The Natural Diet Solutions for PCOS and Infertility". 


This book basically had me cutting grain, dairy, and sugars from my diet. I started with dairy. A month later, the 2 cm cyst was gone, and the 6 cm cyst was smaller. I moved onto sugar. This means, no rice, pasta, breads, or added sugars.  I looked healthy, but I wasn’t.  Between the dairy and the sugar, I could not believe the changes in how I was feeling. I also saw changes in the patterns of my cycle. I was never overweight. In fact, people used to ask me why I was changing my diet so drastically, because I was not overweight. Looking back at pictures, I did depuff. Again, not that I was big but just looked healthier. 


Now, I had always had issues with dairy as a child. As I stopped having the stomach issues, I assumed I grew out of it ( I think a lot of people assume this with intolerances/allergies). In college, I had a lot of stomach issues and did see a GI who put me on a prescription med that was later recalled, and I just never went back. My stomach issues subsided when I decided to cut dairy. The intolerance never went away, it just kept presenting itself in other manners such as skin inflammation, stomach issues, acne, and contributed to my cysts. 


I still needed assistance to conceive, however, the body and cycle changes were apparent. When I was pregnant, everything went out the window with my diet. I was not watching anything I ate. When I was done breastfeeding my youngest, I was HIT HARD with insane periods. I had never experienced this before but I knew it could be a symptom of the PCOS. I started to change my diet again BUT NOW I had been oiling. I tried a bottle of Progessence Plus and was amazed and the balance it provided for me during this time. Now that things are back to “normal”, I only use it during part of my cycle. 


Looking back I think, had I known what I know now about hormone disruptors, getting away from toxic products and fragrance would have had an impact on my changes as well. I was pretty much a walking advertisement for Bath and Body Works and any type of candle out there. 


Things I would tell anyone going through a similar struggle. 


  1. Make the sacrifices. Doesn’t mean that you can’t gain some balancing between indulging between the good and the bad later but get your body in check. 
  2. Ask the “Why?”. If I had never asked why, I would have been back and forth with different fertility drugs and never known why my body was doing this. This could have just snowballed into something more serious later. 
  3. Look at natural options. They do work. If you are making changes ALL AROUND (exercise, diet, products) , they work even better! 

 Products to start with, that I would recommend for ANYONE trying to make changes to their diet or improve their overall health. (based on my experience) 


  1. Ningxia Red- antioxidant overload
  2. Endoflex-thyroid, adrenal, and hormonal support
  3. Progessence Plus-hormonal support
  4. Life 9 Probiotic- amazing gut support
  5. Master Formula- It has a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Not to mention, it contains Turmeric oil which can benefit any issues of inflammation. 


These are your tools!! Use them with your change in diet!! Cut the sugar and go watch Fed Up on Netflix if you need some motivation 

My experience with CBD...

My experience with CBD...
With all of the information and testimonies that have been thrown our way when it pertains to CBD oil, I thought I would share my personal testimony to help others better understand the effects it may have on them. I think when a lot of people first hear " CBD" their mind immediately asks the questions, " How is it going to make me feel?" I know mine did! "Will I get high?" or "Are the effects immediate?" 
Since the release of Young Living's CBD brand, Nature's Ultra, I quickly fell in love with the Calm Roll-On and the Joint and Muscle Rub. Those were the two products that provided me with a quick, noticeable difference in regards to  what I was trying to achieve with each. The dropper bottle of CBD oil is something I dabbled in, off and on since July. I would take .5 mL sublingually when my mind was racing and I needed help falling asleep ( in addition to Vetiver on my feet). As I recommended it, I have heard " I don't feel anything." as if the expectation is an overwhelming feeling of sudden relief. Many times, that is not the case. 
Over the past several weeks, as my family has struggled through some family stress and the passing of my mother, I have found myself reaching for my dropper bottle of CBD. Initially, I would use half a dropper ( .5 mL),  sublingually, in the morning and as stress started to increase, I increased my frequency of application. I can tell you with consistent use, I did notice a difference in regards to feeling BALANCED. I am easily stressed, become tense easily, and a huge worrier. This causes me to have intense feelings of being overwhelmed and makes it hard to focus. I have tried so many times to put into words how CBD has helped me over the last month and it finally came to me today. It makes me feel balanced. CBD is something that works with our endocannabinoid system to help our body achieve/maintain homeostasis. Through the stress of everything we have been going through, I can tell you, applying sublingually has helped me to achieve balance. I noticed such a difference, that when it was time to travel and be with my mom, I had a bottle delivered to my parents' home so I could remain consistent with my routine through this difficult time. 
If you are someone who suffers from anxiety/stress, any type of inflammation, focus,  or imbalances, consistent use of CBD is worth trying. Nature's Ultra CBD is not full-spectrum. It is an isolate formula that is combine with Young LIving's essential oils. The terpenes from the essential oils activate the CBD isolate and together create a powerful combination in helping your body achieve balance. Their Smart Spectrum formula also assures that their is 0% THC in this product. With Young Living's reputation of transparency and their Seed to Seal guarantee with their essential oils and CBD oil, you can rest assure you are getting a pure, clean, and powerful product with Nature's Ultra. If CBD oil is something you have been considering, check out the Nature's Ultra website. Young Living member's receive a 24% discount on all Nature's Ultra products through their Virtual Office. A phenomenal CBD Starter Kit was also recently released for those wishing to become a wholesale member! ( Insane value in the starter kit ) Explore the Starter Kit tab on the website to check out your options!