A DIY Holiday Gift to Warm the Room and Your Heart!

A DIY Holiday Gift to Warm the Room and Your Heart!
I decided to take a few holiday tasks off of my plate this year to ease the stress of the holiday season. 
One of those tasks was baking!  However, I quickly realized I wouldn't have my typical tins of cookies to gift to friends and neighbors. 
If you know me, you know I love fragrance-free aromas to scent my home. 

I started brainstorming and quickly remembered one of my fall favorites, the simmer pot. 
I started to think about simmer pots I had created in the past and  browsed various gift ideas. That is when I decided, I could absolutely give the gift of a warm 
and cozy aroma for friends and family without gifting scented soaps, oils, or diffusers. 

I titled this gift  a " Holiday Home" simmer pot. You can find the printable gift tag below the recipe. 

Holiday Home Simmer Pot

You will need:

Sugar in the Raw or White Sugar
Rosemary Sprigs
Cloves or Mulling Spices
1-2 Oranges Thinly sliced
Cinnamon Sticks
Three of your favorite festive essential oils ( I used Christmas Spirit, Stress Away, and Orange from Young Living)

1. Take your thinly sliced oranges and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drop your favorite spiced oil onto each slice. I used Christmas Spirit. 
Bake the slices at 250 degrees for five hours or less ( watch for browning). I turned mine at the 2.5 hour mark. Allow to cool completely.

2. Place 1-2 cups of sugar in a bowl. Add 10 drops of Orange oil and 10 drops of Stress Away oil to the sugar and mix. 
( I tried this with vanilla extract and it did not go well)

3. In a clear bag, drop your sprig of rosemary and a cinnamon stick. Add 1-2 tablespoons of your sugar mixture. Top with a pinch of cloves and a few cranberries. 
Before twisting the bag close, add your dried orange slice. 

4. Once you have add all of your items, tie a ribbon at the top of the bag and attach the gift tag below. Your recipient will add 2 1/2/ cups of water to a pot, add the contents of the pouch and simmer. 

Your friends and family are sure to enjoy this comforting aroma as they prepare for the holidays!