Simple Solutions: DIY Bath Salts

Simple Solutions: DIY Bath Salts
It’s the little things…

Have you ever thought about the benefits of a warm bath? I am not a bath person. However, when I think about the benefits I feel the need to force some downtime in a warm bath to let my body and mind reset.
There is a reason kids love baths. Water play (sensory) is right up their alley. The warm water brings comfort, and if part of a nightly routine, signals to the brain that bedtime is near.
There is a way to take a bath up a notch and make it more appealing and beneficial for all. 
Bath salts!
I am not talking about those salts of various colors that smell of perfume at the store. I am talking about bath salts that serve a purpose without adding more stress to our body with strong perfumes or unwanted chemicals and dyes.
You don’t need a complicated recipe. In fact, mine is quite simple! I like to create a large batch of salts without essential oils. I tend to change the oils in the bath based on the need. For instance, if my husband has a sore back, I am going to be using different oils than the ones I may grab for a sniffly kiddo. I will incorporate the oils into the mixture once it is bath time and I know what we are trying to address.
You can find the base recipe below!
Bath Salt Base:
4 cups Epsom Salts
1 cup baking soda
Mix thoroughly in a decorative container and have it ready by your bathtub.
Magnesium is known for its ability to relax the body, support inflammation, and ease discomfort in sore muscles.
Baking Soda can help balance skin pH, is cleansing, provides immune support, and assist in soothing irritated skin.
When using the salts, I add 5 drops of high quality essential oils (total). 

The following combinations are some of our favorites.

Aches: Panaway & Frankincense
Sniffles: Lavender & RC
Sweet Dreams: Gentle Baby &Cedarwood
Skin Soother: Melrose & Lavender
Tension Release: Stress Away & Orange
Sick Day: Thieves, Frankincense, and Lemon
You can shop our favorite combinations HERE!  
We love these for simple gifts as well. Grab some decorative jars and cute ribbon and give the gift of relaxation! 

Sniffles and Sinuses

Sniffles and Sinuses
In our member Facebook group, we recently held a Q & A. We had a question pertaining to sinus issues! I am sure we can all relate to this. Especially with the seasons changing, issues with seasonal sniffles and upper respiratory support may be a struggle.  Here are some tips and recipes to help you through your struggles!

Diffuser Ideas:  Equal amounts of each oil in each diffuser blend: 

Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint
Melrose, Lavender, Lemon
Copaiba, Raven, Lemon 
Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus 
RC, Lavender, Cedarwood( great for bedtime)  

 #protip: If you have any citrus oil on hand for these issues, let it be lemon! I like to refer to it as the "drainer" :) 

Roll-On Ideas:  
Top 10 ml roller bottle with carrier oil after oils are added. Apply over sinuses, back of neck, and downward over neck and chest. Breathe Again Roll-On ( already made for ya!) 

15 Lemon, 15 Lavender, 10 Copaiba, 10 Peppermint ( may vary from person to person. )
10 Lemon, 10 Digize, 10 Copaiba, 15 Lavender, 5 Peppermint
10 RC, 5 Pine, 10 Lemon, 10 Lavender, 5 Ravintsara 

Nasal Swab:  Grab a teaspoon of Rose Ointment OR Coconut oil ( coconut oil may be a little greasy when it warms up.Add: 
2 drops of RC+ 2 drops Lavender
 OR 2 drops Melrose + 2 drops Lavender
Take a cotton swap, dip it into mixture and swab the inside of each nostril. Dispose of cotton swab. 

Steam Tent:  
Grab a mug of hot water. You want steam! Have a towel ready to drape over head and mug once oils are added to steaming water. Have the tissues ready! To mug of steaming water add one of the following combinations: 
2 Tea Tree, 2 Lemon, 2 Peppermint 
2 Melrose, 2 Peppermint, 2 Lavender
 2 Oregano, 2 Eucalyptus, 2 Lemon
 2 RC, 2 Rosemary, 2 Lavender 
Once oils are mixed in water, drape towel over head. Breathe in and breathe out for several minutes. Close your eyes as vapors will be strong.  

I leave you with another favorite recipe! We love a good Epsom salt soak in this house. This is a favorite when we are suffering from the seasonal changes. 

Hope you have found these recipes and tips helpful!