An Aromatic Bedtime Routine for the Littles

An Aromatic Bedtime Routine for the Littles
As a speech pathologist, I have learned the importance of engaging the senses over the years. Whether it be for increased attention to task, eliciting speech/language production, or simply elevating a play activity, Sensory input can make a big difference in any routine. 

Let's chat aromatics for calming and a simple bed time routine for those kiddos that find it difficult to settle or unwind. 

Essential oils and kiddos require a gentle approach. Some kids are ready to stand over the diffuser and breathe deeply while others are little more hesitant and may not care for such strong aromas. The key is to introduce the aromas slowly and gently! Here are some tips to carry over into their bedtime routine. 

1. Involve them in the oil selection as much as possible. Pick 3-5 oils to have on hand in the evening. Allow them to open the bottle and smell them. Ask them to pick 1-2 oils that they would like to use for the night. The speech therapist in me will also tell you this is a great way to promote conversation skills, talking about feelings, and using descriptor words. Allow them to drop the oils into the diffuser water. I always say start low and slow. Have them count 3-4 drops out. 

2. Let's talk bath time or even showers. Grab yourself a mason jar and fill it with Epsom salts. Allow them to a couple of aromas from your group of oils. Add about 10 - 15 drops to your jar of Epsom salts. Before they hop in the tub, mix in some "sprinkles" aka the bath salts to the water. This will help their body relax and trigger the mind for bedtime. If your kiddo takes a shower, simply pour some salts in the corner of the shower so that the aroma fills the bathroom while they are washing. 

3. For the kiddo that needs some extra calm, try using an essential oil inhaler. These are inexpensive on Amazon and you can customize the wick with the essential oils of your choice. I put no more than 5 drops on each wick. This would be a great tool to hold under the child's nose while he/she takes deep breaths or simply discusses their day with you before bed. 

Here are some of our favorite bedtime oils to reach for!

If you are unfamiliar with oils, "blends" are a mixture of several oils to create a customized aroma. "Singles", are a bottle of essential oil that consists of oil from a single plant. 

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway# 3

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway# 3
Giveaway #3: White Angelica 
White Angelica is one of the most pleasant smells my nose has ever had the chance of meeting. It has a soft, floral aroma that makes the perfect perfume all by itself. There is just enough floral with a lingering "tartness" ( is that a word?" to it. When I think of creating a summer scent, this oil pops right to top of my list! The blend is a combination of Sweet Almond oil, Bergamot, Myrrh, Geranium,  Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Coriander, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Melissa, Hyssop, and Rose. When used aromatically, White Angelica, promotes feelings of security and protection. It is one of those oils that helps to put your mind at ease when going into a stressful situation or when you find yourself in a tizzy. It is used to guard against negative energy when used aromatically or worn topically. 
You can blend this with your citrus and warmer, woodsy aromas. I love it on diffuser jewelry! I diffuse it in the morning to get in a positive mindset and put myself at ease. It is one of the oils in Gary Young's "Great Day Protocol". White Angelica is a perfect addition to your hydrosol spray for an after-shower body mist. One of my favorite perfume combinations contains White Angelica, Northern LIghts Black Spruce, and Grapefruit. If you are someone looking for a floral aroma but Joy and Geranium tend to be too strong for you, the soft aroma of White Angelica may be right up your alley! 
How many of you are saying, " Never heard of it!" ? 
That is because White Angelica is an essential oil blend that is an exclusive to our Essential Rewards members. Now is your chance to give it a whirl. ♥️
To be entered to win this lovely blend of oil, comment below with an aroma that screams summer to you! 
Is it fresh cut grass? coconut? ocean air? a certain perfume? diffuser blend? When a scent hits your nose, what makes you think " Summer has arrived!" ? 

Just what this mama needed...

Just what this mama needed...
"Things will slow down after the holidays..." 

Between moving a Christmas travels, I cannot tell you how many times I told myself this throughout the month of December. Well guess what, it is February and things have not slowed. Apparently, this pace of  life is the new normal. With a million tabs open in my brain along with a million different emotions in rotation, I find myself holding things in and going through the motions of our days to keep things running smoothly. 

I am in constant need of stress relief but find it difficult to take the time to really sit and enjoy the stress free moments. Essential oils have helped me catch myself from losing my mind a time or two by simply cracking open a bottle of Stress Away or Valor and taking some deep breaths. I can catch myself, think through my actions, and clear my head for a few moments. An added bonus to these magical bottles of aromatic bliss, is the ability to apply them topically.  I love to apply them to my neck, my ears, chest, ends of hair, wrists, and even my favorite diffuser jewelry so the aroma stays with me longer that just a few moments. I mean, who wouldn't want to wear the aroma of White Angelica throughout the day??? 

My new favorite is Release. This oils is the perfect combination of floral, woodsy, and citrus scents. The aroma is very "perfume-like". While it is serving the purpose of taming those emotions, it is also serving the purpose of acting as my " perfume" for the day. You will literally have to peel yourself away from the bottle and find yourself hovering over the diffuser with this blend. I opened the bottle, immediately reached for a roller fitment, and dropped this baby in my purse. This pleasing aroma was just what this mama needed in this busy and emotionally charged season of life.  

Have you ever developed an instant love for an aroma? Isn't it amazing how aromatics can affect our state of mind.