A DIY Holiday Gift to Warm the Room and Your Heart!

A DIY Holiday Gift to Warm the Room and Your Heart!
I decided to take a few holiday tasks off of my plate this year to ease the stress of the holiday season. 
One of those tasks was baking!  However, I quickly realized I wouldn't have my typical tins of cookies to gift to friends and neighbors. 
If you know me, you know I love fragrance-free aromas to scent my home. 

I started brainstorming and quickly remembered one of my fall favorites, the simmer pot. 
I started to think about simmer pots I had created in the past and  browsed various gift ideas. That is when I decided, I could absolutely give the gift of a warm 
and cozy aroma for friends and family without gifting scented soaps, oils, or diffusers. 

I titled this gift  a " Holiday Home" simmer pot. You can find the printable gift tag below the recipe. 

Holiday Home Simmer Pot

You will need:

Sugar in the Raw or White Sugar
Rosemary Sprigs
Cloves or Mulling Spices
1-2 Oranges Thinly sliced
Cinnamon Sticks
Three of your favorite festive essential oils ( I used Christmas Spirit, Stress Away, and Orange from Young Living)

1. Take your thinly sliced oranges and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drop your favorite spiced oil onto each slice. I used Christmas Spirit. 
Bake the slices at 250 degrees for five hours or less ( watch for browning). I turned mine at the 2.5 hour mark. Allow to cool completely.

2. Place 1-2 cups of sugar in a bowl. Add 10 drops of Orange oil and 10 drops of Stress Away oil to the sugar and mix. 
( I tried this with vanilla extract and it did not go well)

3. In a clear bag, drop your sprig of rosemary and a cinnamon stick. Add 1-2 tablespoons of your sugar mixture. Top with a pinch of cloves and a few cranberries. 
Before twisting the bag close, add your dried orange slice. 

4. Once you have add all of your items, tie a ribbon at the top of the bag and attach the gift tag below. Your recipient will add 2 1/2/ cups of water to a pot, add the contents of the pouch and simmer. 

Your friends and family are sure to enjoy this comforting aroma as they prepare for the holidays!

The Great Holiday Aroma Swap....SIMPLIFIED!

The Great Holiday Aroma Swap....SIMPLIFIED!
The great holiday aroma swap.... 

We are all doing our best to make our home smell like the holidays now. This typically means new soap, new home scents, holiday scented cleaners, holiday scented room sprays, holiday scented carpet powders, and holiday dish soap! 

You can absolutely do all of this and have product to spare post holidays with the items below! 

What you will need (and may already have!) is the Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill, Peppermint oil, Christmas Spirit oil, and Orange oil. 

Holiday Foaming Hand Soap

4 ounces of Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill
10 drops Christmas Spirit
5 drops Orange 
3 drops Peppermint
4 ounces distilled water

Mix in a foaming hand soap container and enjoy! 
( You can make SEVERAL bottles of soap from this recipe)

Holiday Fresh Carpet and Upholstery Powder

2 cups Baking Soda
2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Orange
5-7 drops Christmas Spirit

Combine in a 16 ounce mason jar and sprinkle onto carpet or upholstery. 
Allow to sit on carpet or furniture for 10 minutes and then vacuum. 

Holiday Faux-breeze

10 drops Christmas Spirit
5 drops Orange
5 drops Peppermint
1 teaspoon vodka
4-6 ounces of distilled water

Add to continuous misting bottle ( Amazon) and enjoy in the rooms that do not have diffusers. 

Holiday Cheer All- Purpose Cleaner

1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
7 drops Christmas Spirit
5 drops drops Orange
3 drops Peppermint

Top with 16 ounces of water and get to cleaning! 

Holiday Fresh Dish Soap

Take your bottle of Thieves Dish Soap and add...
10 drops Orange ( will actually help with caked on food)
5 -7 drops Peppermint

Sweet Scented Holiday Cards

Place your holiday cards in a Ziplock or airtight container. 
Drop your choice of essential oil onto several cotton balls and place in container or bag allow with your 
cards. Let sit for at least 24 hours! 
Your recipients will enjoy the festive aroma that comes along with their mail this year. 

Vacuum Hack
Drop 3-5 drops of your oils onto your filter before vacuuming a room. 

Air Filter Hack
Drop several drops of essential oils onto your A/C filter before replacing 

Grab your supplies for all of the above below. Whether you are making these fun recipes for yourself 
or as gifts these recipes will not disappoint. 

Essential Oil Infused Honey!

Essential Oil Infused Honey!
This DIY is perfect for a simple and inexpensive gift!

 With all of the germs floating around, I thought it was time to share this gem of a recipe. Every time I talk to someone or see someone's story on social media, someone has some sort of sickness. It is so important that we support our immune systems as we gather for the holidays, send the kids off to school, and indulge in all of the yummy holiday goodness. 

This recipe is a favorite in our home. With my husband in particular! It makes a great gift for teachers, co-workers, or any one who loves a good cup of tea. Take a peek at the recipe and DIY video below! 

Essential oil infused honey and tea set!
I LOVE this gift idea!! I have gifted the honey for a group of 25. It was super affordable and very much appreciated! I simply printed the uses on an Avery Business card template and popped the card in a small bag with the honey. The honey dipper, tea, and mug really take this DIY up a notch. The recipe for the honey is below.
1.5 ounces of honey
5 drops Thieves 
10 drops Orange or Lemon oil
Mix thoroughly in jar. Add up to a teaspoon of honey to your favorite tea. I paired this one with YL's  Spiced Turmeric tea. It is a favorite around here for a cozy and warm beverage in the evening. This budget friendly and thoughtful gift will be very much appreciated.
Grab Honey Jars with dipper HERE!
Grab oils & tea HERE!

I can't wait to hear how you like it!

Semi-DIY Fall Foaming Hand Soap

We are transitioning to the fall season and craving all the fall aromas, colors, and decorations that are going to make our home feel warm, festive, and cozy!
Back in the day, this mom would make a trip to the mall to stock up on all the fall candles, plug-ins, and hand soaps.
Here we are in 2022, and after a PCOS diagnosis in my late twenties, I know better. I know that what I am bringing into my home matters. I know that the environment I create for my family WILL impact their health. The transition to healthy products has been slow but I have found ways to make these swaps sustainable, budget-friendly, AND event better than my old mall favorites.
This is the time of year that I am trying to ramp up our immune system so the less toxin exposure the better! Luckily, I control this in our home.
I am excited to share my new semi-DIY with you! It combines one of my favorite products, with some essential oils to satisfy my need to constantly smell the scents of the seasons! Today, we will focus on fall aromas.

Pumpkin Spice seems to be the first aroma that comes to mind at the first mention of fall. However, I know some of you are like me and prefer crisp herbal aromas. I will share several combinations below but first, let’s start with a great base!
We love using Thieves Foaming Hand Soap in our home. If you are familiar with Thieves, you know that it already smells like fall with a combination of Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, and Clove essential oils.
Let’s take up a notch….
We are going to use Thieves Foaming Hand Soap as your base. This will ensure a powerful aroma that will have you taking a deep breath in after you wash those hands.
Things you will need: 
A foaming hand soap dispenser
Purified Water
Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
25 drops total of your favorite fall essential oils
Vitamin E or Olive Oil
If you like baked goods and sugar and spice, you will like this first combination called “Autumn Spice”.
1/3 cup Thieves Hand Soap Refill
7 drops Cinnamon Bark
5 drops Nutmeg
5 drops Clove
5 drops Ginger (optional)
10 drops Orange
½ teaspoon of olive oil or Vitamin E oil
2/3 cup purified water
Mix in foaming hand soap container and screw pump into it. Add label and twine to dress up the bottle.
If you prefer a crisp, warm, woodsy aroma then “Autumn Air” will be a great start for you!
1/3 cup Thieves Hand Soap Refill
10 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
5 drops Eucalyptus
10 Drops Orange
½ teaspoon olive oil or Vitamin E oil
2/3 cup purified water
Mix in foaming hand soap container and screw pump into it. Add label and twine to dress up the bottle.
You can get 12 bottles of these DIY foaming hand soap recipes from one bottle of Thieves Hand Soap Refill solution. Not to mention, you can diffuse what is left of your fall oil collection.
You can shop the bottles here!
You can shop the essential oils and Thieves solution here!
Purchase the oils and hand soap solution for yourself, and I will mail you the labels for you hand soaps. Simply email me at theessentialdropin@gmail.com to request them!

DIY Candy Cane Sugar Scrub

 DIY Candy Cane Sugar Scrub
It is time to start planning for that holiday budget and gift giving. I love sharing this recipe every year! 


I have never met a single person who did not fall in love with this refreshing and sweet, sugar scrub. I have even been offered money for another. :)  The layered pattern is a perfect holiday design. You could make several of these well under budget. Your recipient will be thrilled! I've even had people come to me and ask me to make them another. 

Here is your recipe : 
4 ounce jar
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup Himalayan salt ( so good for the skin)
1/4 cup coconut oil
Cedarwood, Stress Away of Vanilla, Peppermint OR Spearmint essential oils. I prefer Spearmint ðŸ™‚

In one bowl,  combine sugar with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and  10 drops of Stress Away or Vanilla.
In another bowl, combine salt with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 5 drops each of Spearmint or Peppermint & Cedarwood. 
When the mixtures are a moldable consistency, begin to layer the sugar with the salt inside of the jar to create a white and pink pattern. Seal the jar with your lid and add a decorative bow to gift. 

This recipe contains Himalayan salt as well as Cedarwood! Not only with this mixture smell delightful but it will provide support to scaly, dry, or irritated skin. 

*If you would like to make an 8 oz. scrub, simply double the recipe!

To order the oils for this fun DIY, 

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