How to Master the Perfect Fall Blends

How to Master the Perfect Fall Blends
Fall is almost here and our diffusers are about be worked overtime! Lucky for you, all those favorite fall oils, are amazing for immune support and keeping the air in your home fresh! That isn't something you can say for the fall candles that people gravitate to. 

Why diffusing is better than candles: 

  • Variety! I love being able to change the aroma going through our home. When I used to purchase candles, I was stuck with the same fragrance day after day. 
  • A clean, toxin-free aroma for the home. The mist benefits your family! Fragrance from candles, negatively impacts your immune system. 
  • Control! You can decide how strong or how mild you want to aroma going through your home. 
  • Customize! You can still have a fall aroma but oils allow you to create aromas that uplift, assist in relaxation, or simply help with fresh air throughout your house.
How to  create some amazing blends:

  •  Consider what kind of aromas you prefer in the fall. We are not all pumpkin spice lovers ( I can hear some of you gasping right now :) )
  • Pick 1-2 blends to keep in rotation. You will also want 3-4 singles to pair with your blends. 
  • Keep in mind the reasons you typically diffuse. Do you need calm oils? uplifting? focus? 
  • Start with 2-3 drops of your blend and layer with your singles. Start with a total of 8-10 drops. If you are sensitive to smells, start lower. Fall blends can be quite strong. Start on the lower end of drops and you can always add more.  
If you like woodsy and herbal:

  • Blends to look at: Sacred Mountain, Thieves, Abundance, Believe, Gratitude, Magnify Your Purpose, GeneYus
  • Singles to look at: Lavender, Peppermint , Rosemary, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Pine, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Black Pepper, Orange, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Cardamom, Frankincense, Clove, Idaho Blue Spruce, Juniper, Cypress, Idaho Grand Fir, Vetiver, Copaiba
If you like sugar and spice: 
  • Blends to look at: Stress Away, Abundance, Citrus Fresh, Thieves, Exodus II, Transformation
  • Singles to look at: Orange, Lemon, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Cardamom, Bergamot,  Cedarwood, Copaiba

What do you all have your eye on? I am partial to woodsy and herbal BUT I do like some sugar and spice on a Sunday morning! Happy diffusing! 

A Simple Switch...

A Simple Switch...
Something I hear over and over again, from friends and family trying to make healthier choices, is how difficult and overwhelming it is! I cannot disagree. When I started examining the foods we were eating and the products we were bringing into our home, I was constantly reading label and after label and spending WAY more time in the store than I wanted to. 

In my opinion,  food is harder to switch out and be consistent with. What we eat, is a  decision I am making multiple times a day and with all the tempting options out there, of course we are indulging from time to time. Probably more than I would like to admit! 

Switching out the products we are bringing into our home, has proven to be less difficult.  When we started with Young Living, it was all about the oils. I soon realized these were plant-based products that I can trust ( I can actually read all of the ingredients on the bottle) and no label reading was required every time I went to add something to my cart.  While some were slightly more expensive, I have noticed my products last longer because they don't have all of the extra junk and fillers so many of the products on our store shelves have. I have also learned some frugal mama hacks along the way! 

There was one product that stood out to me when we started this process. One bottle took care of SO MANY products I had been purchasing. The Thieves Household Cleaner has been the star of the show in our house for over 5 years now. This concentrated formula, allows me to create my household cleaning items by simply using 1-2 capfuls of cleaner and simple ingredients/cleaning tools around the house. I can dust with it, clean my floors, clean my carpets, clean every room in the house, use it as glass cleaner, oven cleaner, stain remover....I can go on and on. All of my cleaning products were replaced with the SIMPLE SWITCH to Thieves Household Cleaner. One bottle can do it all! 

If you are one of those people who is trying to create a clean living environment for your family and finding it difficult, this single bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner can turn those overwhelming feels around when it comes to cleaning your home! A bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner retails at $29.61 and is available to wholesale members at $22.50. Keep in mind, it is a concentrated formula, From this one bottle, you can make approximately 29 bottles of medium degreasing strength, all-purpose cleaner. One bottle folks! It replaced at least 5 different cleaners in our home. 

Here is a link to Young LIving's website to show you what is possible with this cleaner! Keep in mind, the essentials oils recommended,  can be switched out for what you have on hand.