A couple of weeks ago, I had an aha moment after several days of feeling overwhelmed. 

I do not have to do it all! 

There is SO MUCH that goes into running the household and I live with three other humans who are
capable of helping me BUT, I never ask. We have tried the chore charts before but I decided to go a different direction with things this time. I realized that because I am doing so much work behind the scenes, the rest of the family isn't aware of all of the tasks that go into our day to day routine. Things like keeping the house clean, getting dinner on the table, managing schedules, planning get togethers, or making sure things are in order for our fur kiddos. 

Last week, on Friday afternoon, I created a quick print out to keep on the fridge. It read, "Help Wanted!"
On this printable, I listed all of the tasks that needed to happen for the weekend. This included vacuuming, dusting, emptying trash cans, bathing the dogs, picking up the dog poop, etc. I simply asked that everyone do 1-2 things on the list  before they had their fun for the day. There was no pushback whatsoever! 

Two things happened! 
One, my overwhelming list of things to do became shorter. I could focus on planning a birthday and Father's Day because I had help with the household tasks. 
Two, it gave my family insight and a gentle reminder of all the things that need to be done to keep the house running smoothly and in order, just like we all like it. 

Here is your reminder to ask for help! 
it takes the overwhelm off of everyone when the family is working together. 
Click the link below for your "Help Wanted" printable. If you find it helpful, I would love to hear form you. 


The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

Ahhh! Open those windows and breathe in that fresh spring air! Spring is here, which means it’s time to start thinking about our spring cleaning checklists. There’s just something about the nice weather that brings on motivation for a fresh start. So let’s get to it! But wait, before you reach for those cleaners and get to work, let’s do a little digging into those ingredients, shall we?

Did you know? In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home. With no federal regulations on ingredients in household products, the only way we can protect our families is to learn how to read labels ourselves.

Let’s take a look at the top 4 ingredients to avoid and why.

This first ingredient is a BIG ONE, but it is in just about every household product that we use daily. Synthetic scents or “fragrances” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients, including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals, and environmental toxicants. You can find these artificial scents in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as candles, air fresheners, cleaning materials, and laundry detergents.

Let’s talk about fragrance, or parfum or perfume or a million other names ;) This Article shares the dangers of Fragrance. "Synthetic scents or “fragrance” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals, and environmental toxicants. You can find these artificial scents in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as air fresheners, cleaning materials, and laundry detergents.

In general, there at least 3,000 ingredients that companies could use to form a product’s scent. According to the online “Transparency List” put out by the International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group. It may seem unbelievable, but the FDA does not even require fragrance and cosmetic makers to disclose exactly what they are using to scent products. If companies are using truly natural ingredients, then why be shy? Many will say that their formulas are proprietary, and they don’t want other companies copying them. The FDA website also states how the agency cannot legally require companies to warn about allergens in cosmetics like they do with food.

Are you wondering why companies would continue to use synthetic scents if they’re so bad for our health? The answer is straightforward — they are cheaper. Synthetic scents can be extremely cheap to give everything from shampoo to lotion to candles a desirable scent. Unfortunately, just because you enjoy a scent doesn’t mean it’s good for you." Source -

Parabens are preservatives that mimic estrogen. Found in many cosmetics & personal care items. When combined with heregulin, a growth-promoting substance normally found in breast tissue, the effects are multiplied by 100x, contributing to breast cancer, tumor growth &"moobs" (man boobs). Phthalates are a low-cost endocrine-disrupting chemical that in lab studies has shown to interfere with hormone production in rats and mimic estrogen in human studies. Found in: plastic food packaging, lotions, skin moisturizers, fragrance, cleaners, glues, and nail polish.

This chemical is used to de-grease car engines. It is also added to some toothpaste, soaps, detergent, skin products... it's in just about everything. It damages the kidneys/liver, teeth, endocrine system, causes hair loss, cataracts, ulcers, major toxicity, headaches, nausea, coughing, congestion, and more.

An antibacterial agent registered as a pesticide by the EPA. Topical absorption has shown disturbances to the endocrine system and is believed to lead to birth defects and uncontrollable cell growth. Found in: soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, shave gel, first aid spray, kitchenware, and toys.

While there are many, many other ingredients that you will want to know about, these are my "TOP OFFENDERS." As you go further on this low tox living journey, you will learn about so many more. Remember, "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day," and your journey of learning is just that, a journey.

I have a FUN Spring Cleaning Challenge starting in April! 7 Challenges in 10 Days with FANTASTIC info on why you should do them, all for FREEEE and with accountability! Are you ready to join in??? Let’s DO IT!!! We start Monday, April 5th but you are welcome to join at your convenience. 

Join here and scroll to the bottom to enter! 

The Other F-word

The Other F-word
As we talk about hormonal support this week, it is important that we touch on the products we use in our home. You can be the healthiest eater and someone who exercises everyday, but if you aren't watching the products you bring into your home, you are still putting yourself at unnecessary risk for so much. The next topic can REALLY get me going 😊 Shall we dive in?

Paraben free, Dye- Free, SLS-free, Sulfate-Free, Phthalate-free….we are seeing all of our household and personal care products try to clean up their act! Why? People are slowly waking up. They want reasons for their health issues and they are starting to become aware of the long-term impact the products we use in our homes have on our health. Unfortunately, people wait for that reason or health concern to arise before they start to do their research and pay attention.
You know what you will not see removed from most of these products claiming to be clean? FRAGRANCE.
It is in everything! From the candles we burn, the air fresheners we spray, to our dish soap and make-up. (Seriously though, why do you need fragrance in your dish soap?) There are a little over 3,000 chemicals than can be blanketed in that term fragrance and guess what… some of them are harmful! Endocrine disruptors, chemicals linked to tumor growth, chemicals that can have an impact on the respiratory system, chemicals that have been linked to cancer, and more. We often see a “green” label or “clean living” being advertised and ignore the FRAGRANCE label that is listed right there in the ingredients. The worst part about this label is none of the chemicals under this umbrella being used in your product are required to be disclosed to you. It is considered proprietary information. You could have an allergic reaction to a product, and they do not have to tell you what is under that label.

Think of the air in your home. Especially, with the holidays approaching and people wanting anything and everything to smell like pumpkin spice. It doesn’t matter what kind of wax you are using, fragrance is fragrance and you are polluting the air in your home. If the word fragrance is written on the label of your candle/spray/wallflower, it is not clean ( even some aromas claiming to be essential oils are labeled as “fragrance”). Your home is the one place that you can control what your family is exposed to. Already, your body is having to process these chemicals that are in the air you are breathing all day long before you leave the house.

Then think of your skin care products, soap, lotion, make-up, dish soap, dishwasher detergent, and your laundry products!! Laundry products kill me. When I can smell your laundry from down the street while I am running, I get concerned for your health. On top of that, you wear and smell that fragrance all day long. You sleep with that fragrance! The smell of flowers does not equal clean.

I challenge you to look at your products. Even the ones you do not think would contain fragrance. Read that label!  This is why we use oils! High quality oils from a trusted source (the regulation on the essential oil industry is an entirely different post 😊) This is why we use Young Living! You will never see “fragrance” listed under the ingredients. They tell you what ingredients are making you product smell so good. I do not have to label read and worry about transparency with them. The other thing I love, is how long the products last because they are not filled with all the junk.  From the outside it may look a little complicated, but it is quite simple to do this on a budget with the right help and resources!

Here is one of my favorite recipes to replace those nasty aerosol sprays:

5 ounce continue mist spray bottle
1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner (
Add 15-20 drops essential oils of your choice
I like Northern Lights Black Spruce and Orange right now
Top with witch hazel or vodka
You now have yourself a continuous mist “clean” air freshener/spray
Add a cute Avery label if you wish 😊

Washing your fresh produce!

Washing your fresh produce!
The Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak 🍇🍅🍏has been our go-to for clean fruits and veggies for a few years now. I was blown away by the difference in taste, cleanliness, and appearance after a good soak. Of course, there is always a good hack to go along with our Thieves products! Stay tuned for a helpful tip in cleaning your produce as needed instead of a big bath at the beginning of the week!

A Simple Switch...

A Simple Switch...
Something I hear over and over again, from friends and family trying to make healthier choices, is how difficult and overwhelming it is! I cannot disagree. When I started examining the foods we were eating and the products we were bringing into our home, I was constantly reading label and after label and spending WAY more time in the store than I wanted to. 

In my opinion,  food is harder to switch out and be consistent with. What we eat, is a  decision I am making multiple times a day and with all the tempting options out there, of course we are indulging from time to time. Probably more than I would like to admit! 

Switching out the products we are bringing into our home, has proven to be less difficult.  When we started with Young Living, it was all about the oils. I soon realized these were plant-based products that I can trust ( I can actually read all of the ingredients on the bottle) and no label reading was required every time I went to add something to my cart.  While some were slightly more expensive, I have noticed my products last longer because they don't have all of the extra junk and fillers so many of the products on our store shelves have. I have also learned some frugal mama hacks along the way! 

There was one product that stood out to me when we started this process. One bottle took care of SO MANY products I had been purchasing. The Thieves Household Cleaner has been the star of the show in our house for over 5 years now. This concentrated formula, allows me to create my household cleaning items by simply using 1-2 capfuls of cleaner and simple ingredients/cleaning tools around the house. I can dust with it, clean my floors, clean my carpets, clean every room in the house, use it as glass cleaner, oven cleaner, stain remover....I can go on and on. All of my cleaning products were replaced with the SIMPLE SWITCH to Thieves Household Cleaner. One bottle can do it all! 

If you are one of those people who is trying to create a clean living environment for your family and finding it difficult, this single bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner can turn those overwhelming feels around when it comes to cleaning your home! A bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner retails at $29.61 and is available to wholesale members at $22.50. Keep in mind, it is a concentrated formula, From this one bottle, you can make approximately 29 bottles of medium degreasing strength, all-purpose cleaner. One bottle folks! It replaced at least 5 different cleaners in our home. 

Here is a link to Young LIving's website to show you what is possible with this cleaner! Keep in mind, the essentials oils recommended,  can be switched out for what you have on hand.