Semi-DIY Fall Foaming Hand Soap

We are transitioning to the fall season and craving all the fall aromas, colors, and decorations that are going to make our home feel warm, festive, and cozy!
Back in the day, this mom would make a trip to the mall to stock up on all the fall candles, plug-ins, and hand soaps.
Here we are in 2022, and after a PCOS diagnosis in my late twenties, I know better. I know that what I am bringing into my home matters. I know that the environment I create for my family WILL impact their health. The transition to healthy products has been slow but I have found ways to make these swaps sustainable, budget-friendly, AND event better than my old mall favorites.
This is the time of year that I am trying to ramp up our immune system so the less toxin exposure the better! Luckily, I control this in our home.
I am excited to share my new semi-DIY with you! It combines one of my favorite products, with some essential oils to satisfy my need to constantly smell the scents of the seasons! Today, we will focus on fall aromas.

Pumpkin Spice seems to be the first aroma that comes to mind at the first mention of fall. However, I know some of you are like me and prefer crisp herbal aromas. I will share several combinations below but first, let’s start with a great base!
We love using Thieves Foaming Hand Soap in our home. If you are familiar with Thieves, you know that it already smells like fall with a combination of Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, and Clove essential oils.
Let’s take up a notch….
We are going to use Thieves Foaming Hand Soap as your base. This will ensure a powerful aroma that will have you taking a deep breath in after you wash those hands.
Things you will need: 
A foaming hand soap dispenser
Purified Water
Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
25 drops total of your favorite fall essential oils
Vitamin E or Olive Oil
If you like baked goods and sugar and spice, you will like this first combination called “Autumn Spice”.
1/3 cup Thieves Hand Soap Refill
7 drops Cinnamon Bark
5 drops Nutmeg
5 drops Clove
5 drops Ginger (optional)
10 drops Orange
½ teaspoon of olive oil or Vitamin E oil
2/3 cup purified water
Mix in foaming hand soap container and screw pump into it. Add label and twine to dress up the bottle.
If you prefer a crisp, warm, woodsy aroma then “Autumn Air” will be a great start for you!
1/3 cup Thieves Hand Soap Refill
10 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
5 drops Eucalyptus
10 Drops Orange
½ teaspoon olive oil or Vitamin E oil
2/3 cup purified water
Mix in foaming hand soap container and screw pump into it. Add label and twine to dress up the bottle.
You can get 12 bottles of these DIY foaming hand soap recipes from one bottle of Thieves Hand Soap Refill solution. Not to mention, you can diffuse what is left of your fall oil collection.
You can shop the bottles here!
You can shop the essential oils and Thieves solution here!
Purchase the oils and hand soap solution for yourself, and I will mail you the labels for you hand soaps. Simply email me at to request them!

Odor Eaters!

Odor Eaters!

Whether it is the stinky feet of two little boys or the stench of an outdoor loving puppy, we have some odors to combat in our house these days.

My go-to was once the fragrance filled sprays and powders that would simply mask the odors and contribute to air pollution within the home (not that I knew that at the time). Now, I save money on all the odor masking products and whip up some simple recipes that get to the root of the problem.

Essential oils are made up of chemical compounds that serve a purpose. When I grab an oil such as Tea Tree, I know that it is going to work its magic on the funk and bacteria that are contributing to the odor itself. We eliminate the toxins and address the root of the problem.

When selecting your oils for odors, I suggest using Purification, Lemongrass, Thieves, Melrose, Kunzea, or Tea Tree. To sweeten the aroma and provide an extra punch to your concoctions, reach for the citrus oils. If you prefer a flora aroma, Lavender is a great aroma to add.

Here are three of my favorite essential oil recipes for combating odors in your home:

Carpet Powder: 
2 cups baking soda
10 drops Purification
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Lavender
Put the baking soda in a 16-ounce mason jar. Add the essential oils. Place the lid on top and shake until well combined. Put a shaker top on the mouth of your mason jar. Sprinkle powder onto carpets and upholstery. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes. Vacuum when done.

Shaker Lid for mason jar here!
Room and Upholstery Spray: 
4 ounces distilled water
4 ounces witch hazel
7 drops Purification or Kunzea
5 drops Orange
3 drops Lavender
Combine liquid and oils in continuous spray mister. Spritz air, linens, and upholstery as needed.

Continuous Mister here!

“At the Spa” Diffuser Blend: 
90 drops Lemongrass
90 Drops Spearmint
90 drops Lavender
Add oils to a 15 mL bottle. Add 9 drops of mixture to your diffuser when trying to get rid of leftover odors in the air. This diffuser bombs will get you 30 uses.
I hope that you enjoy the above recipes, and they refresh those lingering odors in your home. If you try any of the above recipes, I would love to hear how you enjoy them!