Three Ways to Use your Thieves Oil

Three Ways to Use your Thieves Oil
Well, I don't know about you but that warm and cozy aroma of Thieves has been making a daily appearance in this house. Tis' the season for supporting your immune system and Thieves oil is one of the tools we like to keep on hand. Lucky for us, the aroma of Thieves is warm and cozy with a little bit of spice. Perfect for the fall and winter months! While it stands alone quite nicely, it also pairs well with citrus oils, tree oils, herbs/spices, and some of our floral favorites. 

If you are looking to step up your Thieves game this season, here are three simple ways to work this oil into your routine. 

It is that time of year when you come home from work and start brewing a cup of Thieves tea:)

This was the first thing my dad asked for when he arrived at my house. This could be a daily drink to support the immune system or a drink you take when you are feeling run down! It is VERY popular with the men in my life 

Here is the recipe:
1-2 drops Thieves- immune support
3 drops Lemon-  immune support
1 TBSP honey
8 ounces of warm water

Optional 1-2 tsp. ACV to support a healthy gut

Who loves their Thieves Tea?!? 

If tea isn't your thing, surely making the house smell heavenly will peak your interest! We LOVE our Thieves for the aroma BUT it can be a great tool in the diffuser when we are looking for an extra tool to help us through the germy months. Try the above diffuser blends! 

Last, make a wellness roller! My kids love this addition to their nightly routine. Ratios may vary based on age. I will give you the ratios for an adult. I cut this recipe in half my kiddos. We roll this concoction on the feet and down the spine before bed. If one of us does get sick, we roll ever two hours and may add some extra oils based on our symptoms. Again, oils are a tool. Always consult your doctor when needed! Here is my favorite wellness roller recipe (adult version). 

15 drops Thieves
15 drops Frank
15 drops Lemon
Drop into a 10 mL roller bottle. Top with liquid carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or Young Living's V-6 oil. 

Using your oils doesn't have to be overwhelming. The above three recipes are perfect to incorporate into a self-care routine for yourself and your family!

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway# 3

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway# 3
Giveaway #3: White Angelica 
White Angelica is one of the most pleasant smells my nose has ever had the chance of meeting. It has a soft, floral aroma that makes the perfect perfume all by itself. There is just enough floral with a lingering "tartness" ( is that a word?" to it. When I think of creating a summer scent, this oil pops right to top of my list! The blend is a combination of Sweet Almond oil, Bergamot, Myrrh, Geranium,  Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Coriander, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Melissa, Hyssop, and Rose. When used aromatically, White Angelica, promotes feelings of security and protection. It is one of those oils that helps to put your mind at ease when going into a stressful situation or when you find yourself in a tizzy. It is used to guard against negative energy when used aromatically or worn topically. 
You can blend this with your citrus and warmer, woodsy aromas. I love it on diffuser jewelry! I diffuse it in the morning to get in a positive mindset and put myself at ease. It is one of the oils in Gary Young's "Great Day Protocol". White Angelica is a perfect addition to your hydrosol spray for an after-shower body mist. One of my favorite perfume combinations contains White Angelica, Northern LIghts Black Spruce, and Grapefruit. If you are someone looking for a floral aroma but Joy and Geranium tend to be too strong for you, the soft aroma of White Angelica may be right up your alley! 
How many of you are saying, " Never heard of it!" ? 
That is because White Angelica is an essential oil blend that is an exclusive to our Essential Rewards members. Now is your chance to give it a whirl. ♥️
To be entered to win this lovely blend of oil, comment below with an aroma that screams summer to you! 
Is it fresh cut grass? coconut? ocean air? a certain perfume? diffuser blend? When a scent hits your nose, what makes you think " Summer has arrived!" ?