DIY or BUY: Elderberry Edition

DIY or BUY: Elderberry Edition
It is back to school season which means we are doing all the things to keep our household healthy! One of the items we tend to grab in the fall and winter is elderberry syrup. You can purchase this or make your own. Making elderberry syrup is actually much simpler that you would think. You can even use your Instant Pot!

I have hit some roadblocks with elderberry syrup. The first one is, my kids and I do not prefer the taste. The second one is, I don't always have time to make it. The third one is, I am not always near somewhere where I can just "Go grab a jar." This has us purchasing our elderberry supplement in gummy form these days! 

Today, I thought I would share the DIY recipe that we have used in the past and also share some information about our new favorite elderberry gummies (it is actually more than an elderberry gummy). Let's get started!

DIY Elderberry Syrup
I love a good DIY. Any DIYer knows that they are typically great money savers AND the ingredients are much simpler! We made this recipe a few years ago. Essential oils take this recipe up a notch. If giving to your kids, definitely taste test before as some of the oils can add a "spicy" taste to the mix. Take a peek below!

Bring the berries, water, ginger, cinnamon, and clove to a boil. 
Cover and simmer or 45 minutes. 
Once warm, mash and strain the berries from the liquid. 
In a small bowl, combine the honey and essential oils. 
Once the berry mixture begins to cool, slowly stir in your honey mixture. 
Adults take one tablespoon daily. 
Children take 1 teaspoon daily. 

You can grab the elderberries here.
Grab your Thieves and Lemon Vitality Oils here. 

Now, if the recipe above doesn't appeal to you, check out these Immugummies!
Not only do they have elderberry flower in them, they also contain beta-glucans. You can't beat the ingredients or the fact that there is no added sugar or dyes. 
Here is some information I pulled from the LIfestepsApp that will fill you in on the details of this gem. 

Support your family's wellness with our the Immugummies daily supplement! These delicious elderflower- and lime-flavored gummies are more than just a sweet treat. They naturally support optimal immune function, immune health, and upper respiratory tract health.
Packed with power, flavor, and pure algal beta-glucans, these gummies are a daily must-have for a healthy immune system.
Elderberry and elderflower are two different parts of the same medicinal shrub, and both can be used for their health benefits! While similar, they each have distinct properties that can be used for immune and respiratory health.
Elderberries have been utilized in traditional folk medicine for thousands of years. In European folklore, elderberry consumption was associated with increased longevity and vigor! They are a great source of antioxidants, dietary fiber and vitamins, and are a wonderful way to provide immune support for the body.
Elderflowers are the flowers of the same plant that bloom before the berries form. They have a slight sweet, floral taste, making them a popular choice for teas and cordials. Elderflowers have been shown to have up to two times higher antioxidant activity than the berries due to a higher phenolic content, and they are great for supporting the respiratory system.
1,3 beta-glucans (from Euglena gracilis algae): Beta- glucans support immune health, immune function, and upper respiratory tract health. They're sourced through a sustainable indoor fermentation process to reduce waste and prevent harm to marine ecosystems.
Elderberry fruit juice concentrate: This ingredient contains antioxidants that combat free radicals and support the immune system.
Elderflower natural flavor: Flowers from the elder tree have been used for centuries to support a healthy respiratory system.
Lime essential oil: This zesty oil is a good source of d-limonene, a terpene that has antioxidant properties

What do they taste like?
These gummies are a combination of fruity and floral. You can definitely taste the Lime oil as well. 
I was skeptical about whether the kids would like them but they enjoy them. In fact, they will even remind me to give them one if I forget. 

You can grab the Immugummies here.

So what do you think? Are you a DIYer or a BUYer when it comes to your elderberry supplement?

Simple Solutions: DIY Bath Salts

Simple Solutions: DIY Bath Salts
It’s the little things…

Have you ever thought about the benefits of a warm bath? I am not a bath person. However, when I think about the benefits I feel the need to force some downtime in a warm bath to let my body and mind reset.
There is a reason kids love baths. Water play (sensory) is right up their alley. The warm water brings comfort, and if part of a nightly routine, signals to the brain that bedtime is near.
There is a way to take a bath up a notch and make it more appealing and beneficial for all. 
Bath salts!
I am not talking about those salts of various colors that smell of perfume at the store. I am talking about bath salts that serve a purpose without adding more stress to our body with strong perfumes or unwanted chemicals and dyes.
You don’t need a complicated recipe. In fact, mine is quite simple! I like to create a large batch of salts without essential oils. I tend to change the oils in the bath based on the need. For instance, if my husband has a sore back, I am going to be using different oils than the ones I may grab for a sniffly kiddo. I will incorporate the oils into the mixture once it is bath time and I know what we are trying to address.
You can find the base recipe below!
Bath Salt Base:
4 cups Epsom Salts
1 cup baking soda
Mix thoroughly in a decorative container and have it ready by your bathtub.
Magnesium is known for its ability to relax the body, support inflammation, and ease discomfort in sore muscles.
Baking Soda can help balance skin pH, is cleansing, provides immune support, and assist in soothing irritated skin.
When using the salts, I add 5 drops of high quality essential oils (total). 

The following combinations are some of our favorites.

Aches: Panaway & Frankincense
Sniffles: Lavender & RC
Sweet Dreams: Gentle Baby &Cedarwood
Skin Soother: Melrose & Lavender
Tension Release: Stress Away & Orange
Sick Day: Thieves, Frankincense, and Lemon
You can shop our favorite combinations HERE!  
We love these for simple gifts as well. Grab some decorative jars and cute ribbon and give the gift of relaxation! 

Happy Bellies

Happy Bellies
A simple tool to help you balance life’s indulgences and a healthy gut...
It’s summer and all the refreshing treats are making their way into your life! Let’s face it though, life’s indulgences are always there. I am a firm believer in indulging when balanced with healthy eating habits. However, when it is trickier to keep those healthy eating habits in check, there is one tool that will continue to support a healthy gut.
A healthy gut supports a healthy immune system, right?
Well, consider this, we send our kids back to school and dive right into those fall and winter months with an unbalanced gut from all the fun food we consumed over the summer. Not to mention, heading into fall, those sweet treats don’t go anywhere. They just shift from cool refreshing treats to comforting sugar and spice. Not really the healthy balance your gut needs to keep your immune system strong. Not to mention, you want to keep those tummies comfortable and moving, if you know what I mean.
So, what can you do?
Well, you can balance your treats with foods high in probiotics! Some food ideas would be yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, or you could even add some apple cider vinegar into a refreshing beverage.
In the morning, try this drink:
8 ounces warm water
1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
2-3 drops Lemon Essential Oil (I want to avoid the acid of lemon juice but you can always use lemon juice)
1 teaspoon of honey

Consistency with the above food ideas can be tricky. That is why my kids and I choose to supplement with a probiotic. We take them on an empty stomach right before bed. This way, the good bacteria and do it’s work while we aren’t continually introducing food into our stomach.
Before we started probiotics, we would experience bloating after meals, occasional stomach discomfort, skin irritations, and occasional irregularity. After several weeks of consistent use, we no longer struggle with bloating, excess gas, skin is back in check, and irregularity is much more regular!
For the boys, we have fallen in love with Kidscents MightyPro Pre+Probiotics. Notice, it is prebiotics and probiotics! Afte a day of sweet treats, those prebiotics really help those probiotics multiply!
For myself, I use Life 9 probiotic. As someone who has struggled with gut health for a good chunk of my life, I wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of my probiotic. This formula has 17 billion live cultures. How is that for gut balancing???
Now, if you struggle with remembering to pick up the monthly necessities at the store, you will love what I am about to tell you. You can have these products delivered to your door monthly! You pick the date, and they will automatically head your way. No extra though required!
You can view the products at the link below! When you purchase probiotics for the family, you will notice you start to accumulate product points to cash in for future product. You can’t beat improving your health, convenience, and rewards for your healthy choices!
(Adjust quantities as needed)

Post Virus Nourishment!

Post Virus Nourishment!
When it comes to being sick, we tend to do everything we can to alleviate the symptoms and kick the illness to the curb BUT what about the recovery? 

When we get sick, our bodies put everything they have into fighting the infection. This is why the aftermath can have us feeling drained and the feelings can linger on and on. Our body is inflamed and it needs extra nourishment to heal. 

Three things my family has on hand for moments likes these...
Golden Turmeric-
If you have not looked at this supplement yet, you are missing out on a stellar turmeric supplement that will not find anywhere else. It contains 24 times more bioavailable turmeric than your standard product. It also contains Frankincense resin! Frankincense resin!!! Your body will be thanking you for supporting any issues of inflammation it is struggling with. 

There is a reason this gem is currently out of stock but one of my favorites that you can use in it's place until it returns is AgilEase. This also contains Turmeric and Frankincense resin in capsule form. To top it off you have a bundle of oils to support inflammation AND collagen and glucosamine. 
If you haven't search melatonin and the vid, please do!  Immupro is so much more than a melatonin supplement. Not only does it contain melatonin, it also contains antioxidants, to combat all the oxidative stress our bodies are exposed to everyday, especially if we have been sick. You also get a dose of zinc and selenium. The adaptogenic mushroom blend in these chewable tablets, gives you an extra punch in combating oxidative stress and inflammation.
Frankincense & Lemon-
Put this in some coconut oil and massage over your chest, neck and lymph nodes. Lemon is cleansing &  Frank is healing and supports an issues of inflammation.  Also, a great addition to an Epsom salt bath as your nurse your body back to health. 
***Bonus: if you have Thieves chest Rub, I would add a couple of drops to over your application of chest rub.  
Bath Salt Recipe: 
1/2 cup Epsom Salt
1 TBSP Baking Soda
3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Lemon

Drop salts into a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. 

Diffuser Recipe: 
4 drops Lemon
3 drops Frankincense

If energy levels are something you are struggling with, look into Multigreens & Super B

These are also items you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep your immune system strong and ready for what hits it next. On the daily, I like to take Ningxia Red ( antioxidant shot), my Turmeric supplement, and our Vitamin C supplement (Super C). 

Do you have a routine that you follow to nourish the body, post illness? What has helped you?

Shop from the bundled products, here!

Feeling Achy? You need this!

Feeling Achy? You need this!
Whether you are run down, sick, or overworked, you may be struggling with aches that you just cannot kick to the curb. 
This is a simple tool to keep on hand. Store it in a glass jar with a lid so that it's ready to go when you need it. The last thing you want to be doing when you aren't feeling yourself is whipping up remedies in the kitchen. Be prepared!

Feeling Achy Bath Soak

10 drops Panaway ( If you do not have this, try Peppermint, Wintergreen, or Cool Azul)
10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Copaiba
2 cups Epsom Salt
2 Tablespoons Baking Soda

Combine the Epsom Salt and baking soda in a glass jar with a lid. Once mixed, add oils and mix once more. Add 1/4-1/2 cup of mixture to warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. Do this 1-2 times a day until all is well again! 
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