Sniffles and Sinuses

Sniffles and Sinuses
In our member Facebook group, we recently held a Q & A. We had a question pertaining to sinus issues! I am sure we can all relate to this. Especially with the seasons changing, issues with seasonal sniffles and upper respiratory support may be a struggle.  Here are some tips and recipes to help you through your struggles!

Diffuser Ideas:  Equal amounts of each oil in each diffuser blend: 

Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint
Melrose, Lavender, Lemon
Copaiba, Raven, Lemon 
Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus 
RC, Lavender, Cedarwood( great for bedtime)  

 #protip: If you have any citrus oil on hand for these issues, let it be lemon! I like to refer to it as the "drainer" :) 

Roll-On Ideas:  
Top 10 ml roller bottle with carrier oil after oils are added. Apply over sinuses, back of neck, and downward over neck and chest. Breathe Again Roll-On ( already made for ya!) 

15 Lemon, 15 Lavender, 10 Copaiba, 10 Peppermint ( may vary from person to person. )
10 Lemon, 10 Digize, 10 Copaiba, 15 Lavender, 5 Peppermint
10 RC, 5 Pine, 10 Lemon, 10 Lavender, 5 Ravintsara 

Nasal Swab:  Grab a teaspoon of Rose Ointment OR Coconut oil ( coconut oil may be a little greasy when it warms up.Add: 
2 drops of RC+ 2 drops Lavender
 OR 2 drops Melrose + 2 drops Lavender
Take a cotton swap, dip it into mixture and swab the inside of each nostril. Dispose of cotton swab. 

Steam Tent:  
Grab a mug of hot water. You want steam! Have a towel ready to drape over head and mug once oils are added to steaming water. Have the tissues ready! To mug of steaming water add one of the following combinations: 
2 Tea Tree, 2 Lemon, 2 Peppermint 
2 Melrose, 2 Peppermint, 2 Lavender
 2 Oregano, 2 Eucalyptus, 2 Lemon
 2 RC, 2 Rosemary, 2 Lavender 
Once oils are mixed in water, drape towel over head. Breathe in and breathe out for several minutes. Close your eyes as vapors will be strong.  

I leave you with another favorite recipe! We love a good Epsom salt soak in this house. This is a favorite when we are suffering from the seasonal changes. 

Hope you have found these recipes and tips helpful! 

DIY AND BUY: Thieves Honey Drops, Lozenges, Cough Drops, and Throat Spray

DIY AND BUY: Thieves Honey Drops, Lozenges, Cough Drops, and Throat Spray
The season is slowly changing which can often time bring a tickle to the throat, a nagging cough, discomfort in the throat, and an unwanted scratchy feeling. Lucky for you, you have many options whether you like to DIY or BUY your Young Living items. Our family does them all!! Let's start with the DIY!

Honey Drops
This staple recipe can be turned into anything you would like! Seasonal Sniffle bombs ( Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, & Copaiba) , Immunity Drops, Tummy Tamer Drops ( Peppermint, Ginger, Lemon) . Today we are are using Thieves, Lemon, and Peppermint to make throat soother drops. You can find that DIY in my video here! you will need to adjust the drops for children and I know plenty of adults who increase the number of drops for themselves! 
You can use a silicone mold to keep them in a nice shape! 
Let's chat the BUY options! 

Thieves Lozenges vs. Thieves Cough Drops

 I am a BIG DIY gal and these drops are worth every stinkin' penny. The Thieves Lozenges are Thieves, Peppermint, and Lemon wrapped in one. They amaze me ( and my husband)! The difference between the lozenges and the Thieves Cough Drops is that there is additional menthol in the Thieves Cough Drops.  The cough drops are FDA approved and labeled OTC. Since both contain the Thieves blend, you are also reaping the benefits of those immune support oils. You will NOT find artificial flavors, sugar, or dyes in these drops!
Both are wonderful for a cough, scratchy throat, and to open the airways.  I love popping one before I put my mask on or even before a run. They are so refreshing and last forever compared to the drops I am used to from the store. We just stocked up for the season as these items tend to FLY off the come fall and winter. 

So what do you think? Are you a buyer or diy-er this season?

How to Master the Perfect Fall Blends

How to Master the Perfect Fall Blends
Fall is almost here and our diffusers are about be worked overtime! Lucky for you, all those favorite fall oils, are amazing for immune support and keeping the air in your home fresh! That isn't something you can say for the fall candles that people gravitate to. 

Why diffusing is better than candles: 

  • Variety! I love being able to change the aroma going through our home. When I used to purchase candles, I was stuck with the same fragrance day after day. 
  • A clean, toxin-free aroma for the home. The mist benefits your family! Fragrance from candles, negatively impacts your immune system. 
  • Control! You can decide how strong or how mild you want to aroma going through your home. 
  • Customize! You can still have a fall aroma but oils allow you to create aromas that uplift, assist in relaxation, or simply help with fresh air throughout your house.
How to  create some amazing blends:

  •  Consider what kind of aromas you prefer in the fall. We are not all pumpkin spice lovers ( I can hear some of you gasping right now :) )
  • Pick 1-2 blends to keep in rotation. You will also want 3-4 singles to pair with your blends. 
  • Keep in mind the reasons you typically diffuse. Do you need calm oils? uplifting? focus? 
  • Start with 2-3 drops of your blend and layer with your singles. Start with a total of 8-10 drops. If you are sensitive to smells, start lower. Fall blends can be quite strong. Start on the lower end of drops and you can always add more.  
If you like woodsy and herbal:

  • Blends to look at: Sacred Mountain, Thieves, Abundance, Believe, Gratitude, Magnify Your Purpose, GeneYus
  • Singles to look at: Lavender, Peppermint , Rosemary, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Pine, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Black Pepper, Orange, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Cardamom, Frankincense, Clove, Idaho Blue Spruce, Juniper, Cypress, Idaho Grand Fir, Vetiver, Copaiba
If you like sugar and spice: 
  • Blends to look at: Stress Away, Abundance, Citrus Fresh, Thieves, Exodus II, Transformation
  • Singles to look at: Orange, Lemon, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Cardamom, Bergamot,  Cedarwood, Copaiba

What do you all have your eye on? I am partial to woodsy and herbal BUT I do like some sugar and spice on a Sunday morning! Happy diffusing! 

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway# 3

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway# 3
Giveaway #3: White Angelica 
White Angelica is one of the most pleasant smells my nose has ever had the chance of meeting. It has a soft, floral aroma that makes the perfect perfume all by itself. There is just enough floral with a lingering "tartness" ( is that a word?" to it. When I think of creating a summer scent, this oil pops right to top of my list! The blend is a combination of Sweet Almond oil, Bergamot, Myrrh, Geranium,  Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Coriander, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Melissa, Hyssop, and Rose. When used aromatically, White Angelica, promotes feelings of security and protection. It is one of those oils that helps to put your mind at ease when going into a stressful situation or when you find yourself in a tizzy. It is used to guard against negative energy when used aromatically or worn topically. 
You can blend this with your citrus and warmer, woodsy aromas. I love it on diffuser jewelry! I diffuse it in the morning to get in a positive mindset and put myself at ease. It is one of the oils in Gary Young's "Great Day Protocol". White Angelica is a perfect addition to your hydrosol spray for an after-shower body mist. One of my favorite perfume combinations contains White Angelica, Northern LIghts Black Spruce, and Grapefruit. If you are someone looking for a floral aroma but Joy and Geranium tend to be too strong for you, the soft aroma of White Angelica may be right up your alley! 
How many of you are saying, " Never heard of it!" ? 
That is because White Angelica is an essential oil blend that is an exclusive to our Essential Rewards members. Now is your chance to give it a whirl. ♥️
To be entered to win this lovely blend of oil, comment below with an aroma that screams summer to you! 
Is it fresh cut grass? coconut? ocean air? a certain perfume? diffuser blend? When a scent hits your nose, what makes you think " Summer has arrived!" ? 

Not just for little ones...

Not just for little ones...
When you get a new oil and you fall in love, you start to think of all the ways you can incorporate this oil into your routine! Take a look at this blend....
Coriander, Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, and Rose.
Gentle Baby isn't a new oil to me but it is has been absent from my shelves for some time now. When I saw it being offered as a 15 mL, I jumped at the chance to order it. Well, this gem arrived yesterday and only happy thoughts came to mind when I cracked open the bottle. I thought about all of the ways I used this oil with my boys when they were itty bitty. I also remembered how much I loved this oil for myself when I learned to layer it with some of my favorite oils. 
Everyone should have this oil! Even if florals aren't your thing, the benefits of this oil are endless and we can balance that floral aroma for you!! 
Here are some of my favorite ways to use this oil: 
  1. -Create a linen spray. If it is for a crib, layer it with Lavender and Frank. If it is for an adult, layer it with Cedarwood, Lavender, and Orange. 
  2. -Add this to your dryer balls. Even if it is just for your load of sheets. 
  3. -New mamas, create a roller and apply to clavicle while you are trying to rock your baby to sleep. 
  4. -For babies: Add a drop to bath water for a calming environment before bed. For adults: Create bath salts with Gentle Baby, Lemon, and Lavender for a skin spoiling, refreshing bath. 
  5. -Create a soothing balm with coconut oil, Gentle Baby, and Purification. You can use this on irritated skin, rashes, or problem areas. Ratios will vary for kids and adults. 
  6. -Add this to your skincare routine. Add to your moisturizer or create a serum. 
  7. -Create a nasal inhaler to carry with you. My kids hated their car seats. This would have been perfect to wave under their nose when they were agitated. 
  8. -Create a refreshing room spray and layer Gentle Baby with all of your favorite citrus oils! 
  9. -Create a perfume! wear on your diffuser jewelry. 
  10. -Add to your lotion for a light floral aroma and reap all of the benefits of the Coriander, Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, and Rose. 
Favorite diffuser blends: 
Gentle Baby, Cedarwood, Orange 
Gentle Baby, Purification, Lemon 
Gentle Baby, Grapefruit, Spearmint 
Gentle Baby, Lavender 
Gentle Baby, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Grapefruit 
Gentle Baby, Lemon Myrtle, Cedarwood 
Gentle Baby, Stress Away, Lemon 
This gem is available in a 15 mL bottle through the end of the month! Do not miss out!! 
What are your favorite ways to use this oil? 
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