Three Ways to Use your Thieves Oil

Three Ways to Use your Thieves Oil
Well, I don't know about you but that warm and cozy aroma of Thieves has been making a daily appearance in this house. Tis' the season for supporting your immune system and Thieves oil is one of the tools we like to keep on hand. Lucky for us, the aroma of Thieves is warm and cozy with a little bit of spice. Perfect for the fall and winter months! While it stands alone quite nicely, it also pairs well with citrus oils, tree oils, herbs/spices, and some of our floral favorites. 

If you are looking to step up your Thieves game this season, here are three simple ways to work this oil into your routine. 

It is that time of year when you come home from work and start brewing a cup of Thieves tea:)

This was the first thing my dad asked for when he arrived at my house. This could be a daily drink to support the immune system or a drink you take when you are feeling run down! It is VERY popular with the men in my life 

Here is the recipe:
1-2 drops Thieves- immune support
3 drops Lemon-  immune support
1 TBSP honey
8 ounces of warm water

Optional 1-2 tsp. ACV to support a healthy gut

Who loves their Thieves Tea?!? 

If tea isn't your thing, surely making the house smell heavenly will peak your interest! We LOVE our Thieves for the aroma BUT it can be a great tool in the diffuser when we are looking for an extra tool to help us through the germy months. Try the above diffuser blends! 

Last, make a wellness roller! My kids love this addition to their nightly routine. Ratios may vary based on age. I will give you the ratios for an adult. I cut this recipe in half my kiddos. We roll this concoction on the feet and down the spine before bed. If one of us does get sick, we roll ever two hours and may add some extra oils based on our symptoms. Again, oils are a tool. Always consult your doctor when needed! Here is my favorite wellness roller recipe (adult version). 

15 drops Thieves
15 drops Frank
15 drops Lemon
Drop into a 10 mL roller bottle. Top with liquid carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or Young Living's V-6 oil. 

Using your oils doesn't have to be overwhelming. The above three recipes are perfect to incorporate into a self-care routine for yourself and your family!

Immune Support: A Basic Approach

Immune Support: A Basic Approach
Well, it is officially November! Is anyone else trying to be more on top of vitamin intake, cleanliness, and all the extra Thieves?
 Immune support has been on everyone's radar more this year than ever. Now that we are in the middle of fall and approaching winter, we are definitely on high alert. As busy as life is, we want to make sure we are keeping our routine simple, yet highly effective. Consistent use of high quality products and oils is key. 
I say this every year, and I am going to say it again. Just because you are using essential oils, doesn't mean you will not get sick. Essential oils and high quality supplements are tools that can be incorporated into your immune system support. My family has notice that if we do get sick,  we don't get hit has hard, symptoms don't linger, and in the cases that we do require medication, our oils come in handy to help our overt symptoms while the medication does it's work! 

We want a strong immune system to help prevent frequent illness and to make sure our body is strong and ready to fight when we do encounter a bug. Today, I am going to break some simple routines down for you. You will see a routine for the adults, the kiddos, and the babes! You can most definitely do more than what I list, but these are tools you may want to take a peek at if you are looking at simple routines. 

A healthy gut does a lot for someone's immune system. This time of year, our gut needs all the help it can get as we overindulge and probably consume more sugar that we usually do. Life 9 Probiotic is the PERFECT addition to your bedtime routine. It contains 17 billion live cultures for 9 beneficial bacteria strains. Replenishing the good bacteria after a long day is critical in your daily immune boosting routine. 

I could tell you to beef up on Vitamin C, and D...and so on...OR I can tell you to save your money on the individual supplements and support your body with a FANTASTIC full-spectrum multi-vitamin such as MASTER FORMULA. Initially, I turned my head at the price BUT after adding up the individual bottles of vitamins I was purchasing, this was saving me money and I was get so much more! Master formula contains your prebiotics, 100 % of your daily Vitamin C and D3. Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Thiamin from B1, Niacin ( B3), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Panthothenic Acid (B5), Iron, Magnesium, Zinc (100%) , Manganese, Copper, Selenium, Molybdenum, Kelp....I could go ON and ON but it would be easier for you to check out the ingredients and daily values, here. 

Master Formula with Life 9 is gold! I forgot to mention that Master Formula contains prebiotics. Those are a perfect match for Life 9. That routine can get delivered to your doorstep at the same time every month for free now! Use rewards points to cash in for some oils :) 

Inner Defense is pretty much your immunity roller in a capsule! If you aren't one to roll oils on your feet and down your spine, this is for you! You can take this as a daily immune boosting supplement OR take as needed when you are feeling under the weather. If you are not well, you can take up to five in a day but please make sure you are taking your probiotic at night to replenish all that good bacteria. We always go into the season with a bottle or two of Inner Defense on hand.

So, what do you think? Is that basic enough for ya? I also recommend Ningxia Red for an extra shot of antioxidants. We all could use an extra dose of that these days. 

Below, you will find a simple routine you can incorporate into your routine for the kiddos! Some of my favorite recipes are included. 
Ningxia Red and MightyPro Pre+Probiotic are key in my kid's routine. I like to make sure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals they could be missing in their diet and maintain a healthy gut with MightyPro at night. 

While we use caution with babies and essential oils, when the appropriate dilution ratios and safety is taken into consideration, they can gradually be worked into a routine for our little ones. 

Keeping the routines basic and simple, make it easier on yourself to be consistent in supporting your family's immunity. I hope you found the above information helpful! 

The Other F-word

The Other F-word
As we talk about hormonal support this week, it is important that we touch on the products we use in our home. You can be the healthiest eater and someone who exercises everyday, but if you aren't watching the products you bring into your home, you are still putting yourself at unnecessary risk for so much. The next topic can REALLY get me going 😊 Shall we dive in?

Paraben free, Dye- Free, SLS-free, Sulfate-Free, Phthalate-free….we are seeing all of our household and personal care products try to clean up their act! Why? People are slowly waking up. They want reasons for their health issues and they are starting to become aware of the long-term impact the products we use in our homes have on our health. Unfortunately, people wait for that reason or health concern to arise before they start to do their research and pay attention.
You know what you will not see removed from most of these products claiming to be clean? FRAGRANCE.
It is in everything! From the candles we burn, the air fresheners we spray, to our dish soap and make-up. (Seriously though, why do you need fragrance in your dish soap?) There are a little over 3,000 chemicals than can be blanketed in that term fragrance and guess what… some of them are harmful! Endocrine disruptors, chemicals linked to tumor growth, chemicals that can have an impact on the respiratory system, chemicals that have been linked to cancer, and more. We often see a “green” label or “clean living” being advertised and ignore the FRAGRANCE label that is listed right there in the ingredients. The worst part about this label is none of the chemicals under this umbrella being used in your product are required to be disclosed to you. It is considered proprietary information. You could have an allergic reaction to a product, and they do not have to tell you what is under that label.

Think of the air in your home. Especially, with the holidays approaching and people wanting anything and everything to smell like pumpkin spice. It doesn’t matter what kind of wax you are using, fragrance is fragrance and you are polluting the air in your home. If the word fragrance is written on the label of your candle/spray/wallflower, it is not clean ( even some aromas claiming to be essential oils are labeled as “fragrance”). Your home is the one place that you can control what your family is exposed to. Already, your body is having to process these chemicals that are in the air you are breathing all day long before you leave the house.

Then think of your skin care products, soap, lotion, make-up, dish soap, dishwasher detergent, and your laundry products!! Laundry products kill me. When I can smell your laundry from down the street while I am running, I get concerned for your health. On top of that, you wear and smell that fragrance all day long. You sleep with that fragrance! The smell of flowers does not equal clean.

I challenge you to look at your products. Even the ones you do not think would contain fragrance. Read that label!  This is why we use oils! High quality oils from a trusted source (the regulation on the essential oil industry is an entirely different post 😊) This is why we use Young Living! You will never see “fragrance” listed under the ingredients. They tell you what ingredients are making you product smell so good. I do not have to label read and worry about transparency with them. The other thing I love, is how long the products last because they are not filled with all the junk.  From the outside it may look a little complicated, but it is quite simple to do this on a budget with the right help and resources!

Here is one of my favorite recipes to replace those nasty aerosol sprays:

5 ounce continue mist spray bottle
1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner (
Add 15-20 drops essential oils of your choice
I like Northern Lights Black Spruce and Orange right now
Top with witch hazel or vodka
You now have yourself a continuous mist “clean” air freshener/spray
Add a cute Avery label if you wish 😊

Starting from the Inside!

Starting from the Inside!
Immune support! 

I don't think I have ever said those two words more, than I have in the year 2020. The word that immediately comes to mind when someone thinks Young Living and immune support is Thieves. Boy, do I LOVE me some Thieves! However, Thieves and it's product line, are tools to support your immune system and a toxin-free lifestyle. There is an even bigger piece of the puzzle when it comes to supporting your immune system and it starts on the inside! 

I want to keep things simple because a lot of people will run and hide when I mention the word "supplement". With all of the processing, all of the additives, all of the pesticides, and all of the additional sugars that end up in our food these days, our bodies are not getting the nutrients they need from the food we are eating. It is so important to incorporate whole-food based or plant based supplements into our health and wellness routines. Why? Our bodies simply absorb it better. Our bodies are meant to absorb nutrients from a whole food source rather than a high dose of isolated vitamins or minerals. For instance, we eat carrots that are high in beta carotene. This is an antioxidant that our bodies converts into vitamin A. This is completely different that isolating a synthetic form  vitamin A and taking it in high doses. This can result in decreased absorption and varying reactions to the supplement. 

Going into the fall and winter months, I wanted to share one of my favorite multi-vitamin/mineral powerhouse supplements, called Master Formula. This supplement, allows you to forfeit the row of a piecemeal supplement bottles sitting on your counter top, for one pouch of all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and vegetable complexes you need in a multi-vitamin. 
If you have been watching the news lately, you may have heard a few vitamins and minerals emphasized. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. Master Formula contains all three of those with 100% of the recommended daily value! It has Micronized Nutrient Capsule that contains Vitamin A, eight B vitamins, Magnesium, Iron, Selenium, Copper Maganese, Chromium, Molybdenum. Master Formula contains a Phyto Caplet that contains Vitamin C and a Spectra Fruit,Vegetable, and Herb blend that contains nutrients such as Vitamin C, prebiotics, and Potassium.It also contains a Liquid Vitamin Capsule that contains Vitamin K2, Vitamin E, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin A along with an essential oil blend that contains Turmeric.

I can absolutely, 100%, tell a difference in the way I feel when I take this supplement pouch. A simple yet powerful routine would be Master Formula paired with LIfe 9 Probiotics! Talk about an Immune Support powerhouse!!! With Young Living's Free Shipping option at 100 PV coming in September, this is the perfect time to set this supplement routine to be shipped to your door, for free, every month! 

One of my favorite resources, Dr. Lindsey Elmore, had this to say about Master Formula: 
1. Broad spectrum vitamins and minerals, all extracted from food. Plant based nutriment (not a typo, look it up), at its best.
2. Vegan vitamin D3. Almost impossible to find D3 (which you neeeeeeeed, NOT D2) in a vegan form. 
3. Organic FOLATE (NOT Folic acid) extracted from the peels of lemon skins using nothing more than water. 
4. Prebiotics (rare in a multivitamin) feed your healthy gut bacteria, supporting your immune system.
5. Unique SSI technology combines similarly beneficial ingredients, and separates ingredients that may break down over time.
6. Unique essential oil blend (never seen this over the counter), including turmeric essential oil. 
7. Vitamin K2 is more bioavailable than K3 and supports bone health.
8. Convenient sachets make travel a breeze. No isn’t bottles needed.

9. Chelated Minerals provide building blocks for tons of critical chemical reactions. If you just don’t feel good and don’t know why, add minerals to your routine.
10. The B12 is methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin. Because no one wants a dose of cyanide in their vitamin. 

Forget the endless amounts of individual supplement bottles! Give Master Formula a try! 

Mask Routine

Mask Routine
Masks have become a part of our daily routine. Some of us are wearing them for short trips to the grocery store and others wear them for a prolonged period of time, day in and day out. After wearing a mask for over 8 hours while flying last month, I found myself reaching for my Peppermint and Thieves Spray time and time again. The peppermint helped with a heavy ache that I would get in my head mid-day as well as some wooziness during some rough air. I clearly wasn't able to hand wash my mask, so I found myself giving it a good spritz with Thieves Spray from time to time. There is no other disinfectant I would use for this. Why? Because I am putting it back on my face and want to make sure I am inhaling a clean, non-toxic aroma. Since this trip, I have come across several helpful recipes in various oily groups! I wanted to share them with you as I have found them effective yet safe when it comes to staying away from toxins. Staying away from harsh chemicals and toxins is part of maintaining a healthy immune system. 

Mask Spray: 
Witch Hazel
Essential Oils ( this is your choice!) 
I selected Peppermint and Raven for respiratory support and an uplifting aroma. You could also do Thieves, RC, Lavender, Spearmint...think of what you are wanting to address! 

Add 7-10 drops of desired oils into spritzer. Top with witch hazel, add top, and shake. Spritz the inside of your mask before wearing. 

Thieves Spray:

You can purchase this already made ( That is what I would do :) )  OR you can DIY this! 

15 drops of Thieves oil
1 teaspoon witch hazel 
A little under 2 ounces of distilled water.

Spritz your mask front and back with Thieves Spray in between wears. 

Mask Soak: 

16 ounces warm water
1 teaspoon Thieves Laundry Soap
1 teaspoon Thieves Household Cleaner
3-5 drops Lemon Oil 

Mix all ingredients in bowl of water. Add masks to the bowl and gently work the solution through the masks. Soak for 5-10 minutes. Rinse clean under warm water. Hang to air dry. 

I hope you find these recipes helpful as we adapt to a new routine. 

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