A couple of weeks ago, I had an aha moment after several days of feeling overwhelmed. 

I do not have to do it all! 

There is SO MUCH that goes into running the household and I live with three other humans who are
capable of helping me BUT, I never ask. We have tried the chore charts before but I decided to go a different direction with things this time. I realized that because I am doing so much work behind the scenes, the rest of the family isn't aware of all of the tasks that go into our day to day routine. Things like keeping the house clean, getting dinner on the table, managing schedules, planning get togethers, or making sure things are in order for our fur kiddos. 

Last week, on Friday afternoon, I created a quick print out to keep on the fridge. It read, "Help Wanted!"
On this printable, I listed all of the tasks that needed to happen for the weekend. This included vacuuming, dusting, emptying trash cans, bathing the dogs, picking up the dog poop, etc. I simply asked that everyone do 1-2 things on the list  before they had their fun for the day. There was no pushback whatsoever! 

Two things happened! 
One, my overwhelming list of things to do became shorter. I could focus on planning a birthday and Father's Day because I had help with the household tasks. 
Two, it gave my family insight and a gentle reminder of all the things that need to be done to keep the house running smoothly and in order, just like we all like it. 

Here is your reminder to ask for help! 
it takes the overwhelm off of everyone when the family is working together. 
Click the link below for your "Help Wanted" printable. If you find it helpful, I would love to hear form you. 


My experience with CBD...

My experience with CBD...
With all of the information and testimonies that have been thrown our way when it pertains to CBD oil, I thought I would share my personal testimony to help others better understand the effects it may have on them. I think when a lot of people first hear " CBD" their mind immediately asks the questions, " How is it going to make me feel?" I know mine did! "Will I get high?" or "Are the effects immediate?" 
Since the release of Young Living's CBD brand, Nature's Ultra, I quickly fell in love with the Calm Roll-On and the Joint and Muscle Rub. Those were the two products that provided me with a quick, noticeable difference in regards to  what I was trying to achieve with each. The dropper bottle of CBD oil is something I dabbled in, off and on since July. I would take .5 mL sublingually when my mind was racing and I needed help falling asleep ( in addition to Vetiver on my feet). As I recommended it, I have heard " I don't feel anything." as if the expectation is an overwhelming feeling of sudden relief. Many times, that is not the case. 
Over the past several weeks, as my family has struggled through some family stress and the passing of my mother, I have found myself reaching for my dropper bottle of CBD. Initially, I would use half a dropper ( .5 mL),  sublingually, in the morning and as stress started to increase, I increased my frequency of application. I can tell you with consistent use, I did notice a difference in regards to feeling BALANCED. I am easily stressed, become tense easily, and a huge worrier. This causes me to have intense feelings of being overwhelmed and makes it hard to focus. I have tried so many times to put into words how CBD has helped me over the last month and it finally came to me today. It makes me feel balanced. CBD is something that works with our endocannabinoid system to help our body achieve/maintain homeostasis. Through the stress of everything we have been going through, I can tell you, applying sublingually has helped me to achieve balance. I noticed such a difference, that when it was time to travel and be with my mom, I had a bottle delivered to my parents' home so I could remain consistent with my routine through this difficult time. 
If you are someone who suffers from anxiety/stress, any type of inflammation, focus,  or imbalances, consistent use of CBD is worth trying. Nature's Ultra CBD is not full-spectrum. It is an isolate formula that is combine with Young LIving's essential oils. The terpenes from the essential oils activate the CBD isolate and together create a powerful combination in helping your body achieve balance. Their Smart Spectrum formula also assures that their is 0% THC in this product. With Young Living's reputation of transparency and their Seed to Seal guarantee with their essential oils and CBD oil, you can rest assure you are getting a pure, clean, and powerful product with Nature's Ultra. If CBD oil is something you have been considering, check out the Nature's Ultra website. Young Living member's receive a 24% discount on all Nature's Ultra products through their Virtual Office. A phenomenal CBD Starter Kit was also recently released for those wishing to become a wholesale member! ( Insane value in the starter kit ) Explore the Starter Kit tab on the website to check out your options!