The versatility of a bottle of Thieves Mouthwash!

The versatility of a bottle of Thieves Mouthwash!
Did you know that Thieves Mouthwash contains colloidal silver. With the combination of colloidal silver and essential oils, you are guaranteed an AMAZING funk fighting combination without the use of harsh ingredients that tend to leave your mouth stinging or burning. That is another reason why, you have an effective throat spray and fresh breath spray. The ingredients are actually serving a purpose. There is more than just fresh, bright, flavors going on here :) 
These are some awesome recipes to make with just one bottle!
Honey-Lemon Throat Spray:
1 ounce Thieves Mouthwash
10 Thieves, 10 Lemon, 5 Copaiba, 5 Clove
1 TBSP Raw honey
1 ounce warm distilled water
Whisk together in small bowl. Add to a 2 ounce spray bottle. Spray back of throat as needed to soothe and refresh.
(recipe and picture, courtesy of Pretty Simple Essentials)

Fresh Breath Spray
1/2 teaspoon Thieves Mouthwash
5 drops Peppermint/Spearmint
10 mL spritzer
Add ingredients to spritzer, mix, and spritz in mouth when you need some fresh breath.

Kids Mouthwash
1 TBSP Thieves Mouthwash
3 drops Citrus Fresh
2 drops Peppermint (optional)
16 ounces of water depending on desired strength

Add a teaspoon of solution to small cup of water to use as mouthwash after brushing. If it is too strong, cut with water!

Adult Mouthwash (2 bottles from this recipe)
Remaining amount of Thieves Mouthwash split in half
10 drops Peppermint
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Citrus Fresh
10-12 ounces of distilled water

Use 1-2 teaspoons to rinse mouth after brushing!

This product is amazing and for $11.25, it makes our order every month because of all we can do with it! Since we are part of the loyalty program we get 25% back on that. Who else loves this product and these recipes?
(also stay tuned to on how to snag this label and SO many more in the month of September!)


Favorite Things Week: Giveaway #3

Favorite Things Week: Giveaway #3
Giveaway #4: Thieves Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwash aka The Dental Duo
We have been using Thieves dental products and the Kidscents toothpaste for at least 5 years now. After missing cleanings for two years, I still walked away with an amazing hygiene report. My hygienist wanted to know what I was using and then bought some for herself My last visit, she whispered in my ear, " All of the stuff that is put into toothpastes, is not meant for everyday's not good for us everyday." 
For the longest time, I was brushing, flossing, and mouth washing like crazy to avoid the " Your gums are a little red and irritated... "  statement. I didn't understand why my gums were receding when my oral care routine was on point. One day, I noticed  some discoloration occuring along my gum line and between my teeth. After doing some digging, I realized my mouthwash was causing this!! Apparently, I wasn't the only one having this issue and the product was still on the market. This was before I was even investigating what I was in my products. It did get me thinking though....why all this irritation and discoloration when I am doing what I am supposed to be doing? 
Years later, my interest was piqued when I saw Thieves toothpaste and Thieves Mouthwash. I actually tried the mouthwash first! Wow! It packed a punch and was not like the mouthwash you get at the store. Everything from the taste to the color is different. The tingling wasn't from alcohol burning my gums, it is alcohol-free. It was from the formula of Thieves! The second ingredient on the label is colloidal silver. That combined with the Thieves packs a punch when it comes to all the bacteria living in our mouths. Simply swish and spit ( do not ingest)! If you prefer a mintier mouthwash, add some peppermint! If you want to stretch your product, dilute with distilled water 1:1 and add peppermint. I like to add Frank to mine to support health gums. 
At the convention in 2019, the Thieves Whitening toothpaste was released. A limit had to be placed on this one immediately! If you have had trouble with natural toothpastes in the past, this is the perfect one to try! I use a pea-sized amount on my toothbrush and my mouth is left feeling clean. Yes, this one also does give you that foaming feeling that we sometimes miss with a natural product. In the words of my husband, " This is their best toothpaste yet!" This family is sold on the switch! ( and yes, my teeth are nice and bright!)
Whew! I know that was a long read but these are truly, two of my favorite must-haves!! 
To be entered to win this dental duo, comment below with a song that you like to blast all summer long!