Clean Produce!

Clean Produce!
For some reason, clean produce always pops into my head in the summer months BUT we know that clean produce is important year round! 

When we are washing our produce, we aren't just washing away dirt. It is important we consider the pesticides and other contaminants that our fruit and vegetables may come home with. 

You NEED more than just a quick rinse in water to tackle the above. 

You know I love essential oils, and they are a great toxin-free option when it comes to tackling the grime and chemicals on our produce. 

Normally, I DIY but there is a product that I love to purchase and stretch with the below hacks. 

Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak is a kitchen sink staple at the Huffman Household. 

1. Because it's a toxin-free solution that works amazingly well! 
2. The versatility of it makes it LAST! 

Here are our favorite ways to use it: 

Wash all at once! 
-Add 1-2 TBSP of solution to a sink full of water and host a fruit & veggie bath when you get home from shopping. 
Wash as you go! 
-Add a capful of solution to a bowl of water and soak the serving you are working with. 
Create a spray! 
-Add 2 teaspoons to 8 ounces of water and spritz fruit and veggies. Work into your produce for several minutes and rinse. 
Create a foaming  fruit & veggie rinse! 
- Fill a foaming soap dispenser.1/3 of the way with Fruit and Veggie Soak. Add warm water to the rest of the container. Wash the produce like you would your hands! 
Add 2-3 pumps to a bowl of water for a quick soak. 

This also makes a great gift for your favorite chef or gardener! Gift them the concentrated bottle OR create one of the above solutions, add some twine, and you have a simple gift! 

Grab a bottle HERE!

Three Ways to Use your Thieves Oil

Three Ways to Use your Thieves Oil
Well, I don't know about you but that warm and cozy aroma of Thieves has been making a daily appearance in this house. Tis' the season for supporting your immune system and Thieves oil is one of the tools we like to keep on hand. Lucky for us, the aroma of Thieves is warm and cozy with a little bit of spice. Perfect for the fall and winter months! While it stands alone quite nicely, it also pairs well with citrus oils, tree oils, herbs/spices, and some of our floral favorites. 

If you are looking to step up your Thieves game this season, here are three simple ways to work this oil into your routine. 

It is that time of year when you come home from work and start brewing a cup of Thieves tea:)

This was the first thing my dad asked for when he arrived at my house. This could be a daily drink to support the immune system or a drink you take when you are feeling run down! It is VERY popular with the men in my life 

Here is the recipe:
1-2 drops Thieves- immune support
3 drops Lemon-  immune support
1 TBSP honey
8 ounces of warm water

Optional 1-2 tsp. ACV to support a healthy gut

Who loves their Thieves Tea?!? 

If tea isn't your thing, surely making the house smell heavenly will peak your interest! We LOVE our Thieves for the aroma BUT it can be a great tool in the diffuser when we are looking for an extra tool to help us through the germy months. Try the above diffuser blends! 

Last, make a wellness roller! My kids love this addition to their nightly routine. Ratios may vary based on age. I will give you the ratios for an adult. I cut this recipe in half my kiddos. We roll this concoction on the feet and down the spine before bed. If one of us does get sick, we roll ever two hours and may add some extra oils based on our symptoms. Again, oils are a tool. Always consult your doctor when needed! Here is my favorite wellness roller recipe (adult version). 

15 drops Thieves
15 drops Frank
15 drops Lemon
Drop into a 10 mL roller bottle. Top with liquid carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or Young Living's V-6 oil. 

Using your oils doesn't have to be overwhelming. The above three recipes are perfect to incorporate into a self-care routine for yourself and your family!

DIY AND BUY: Thieves Honey Drops, Lozenges, Cough Drops, and Throat Spray

DIY AND BUY: Thieves Honey Drops, Lozenges, Cough Drops, and Throat Spray
The season is slowly changing which can often time bring a tickle to the throat, a nagging cough, discomfort in the throat, and an unwanted scratchy feeling. Lucky for you, you have many options whether you like to DIY or BUY your Young Living items. Our family does them all!! Let's start with the DIY!

Honey Drops
This staple recipe can be turned into anything you would like! Seasonal Sniffle bombs ( Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, & Copaiba) , Immunity Drops, Tummy Tamer Drops ( Peppermint, Ginger, Lemon) . Today we are are using Thieves, Lemon, and Peppermint to make throat soother drops. You can find that DIY in my video here! you will need to adjust the drops for children and I know plenty of adults who increase the number of drops for themselves! 
You can use a silicone mold to keep them in a nice shape! 
Let's chat the BUY options! 

Thieves Lozenges vs. Thieves Cough Drops

 I am a BIG DIY gal and these drops are worth every stinkin' penny. The Thieves Lozenges are Thieves, Peppermint, and Lemon wrapped in one. They amaze me ( and my husband)! The difference between the lozenges and the Thieves Cough Drops is that there is additional menthol in the Thieves Cough Drops.  The cough drops are FDA approved and labeled OTC. Since both contain the Thieves blend, you are also reaping the benefits of those immune support oils. You will NOT find artificial flavors, sugar, or dyes in these drops!
Both are wonderful for a cough, scratchy throat, and to open the airways.  I love popping one before I put my mask on or even before a run. They are so refreshing and last forever compared to the drops I am used to from the store. We just stocked up for the season as these items tend to FLY off the come fall and winter. 

So what do you think? Are you a buyer or diy-er this season?

The versatility of a bottle of Thieves Mouthwash!

The versatility of a bottle of Thieves Mouthwash!
Did you know that Thieves Mouthwash contains colloidal silver. With the combination of colloidal silver and essential oils, you are guaranteed an AMAZING funk fighting combination without the use of harsh ingredients that tend to leave your mouth stinging or burning. That is another reason why, you have an effective throat spray and fresh breath spray. The ingredients are actually serving a purpose. There is more than just fresh, bright, flavors going on here :) 
These are some awesome recipes to make with just one bottle!
Honey-Lemon Throat Spray:
1 ounce Thieves Mouthwash
10 Thieves, 10 Lemon, 5 Copaiba, 5 Clove
1 TBSP Raw honey
1 ounce warm distilled water
Whisk together in small bowl. Add to a 2 ounce spray bottle. Spray back of throat as needed to soothe and refresh.
(recipe and picture, courtesy of Pretty Simple Essentials)

Fresh Breath Spray
1/2 teaspoon Thieves Mouthwash
5 drops Peppermint/Spearmint
10 mL spritzer
Add ingredients to spritzer, mix, and spritz in mouth when you need some fresh breath.

Kids Mouthwash
1 TBSP Thieves Mouthwash
3 drops Citrus Fresh
2 drops Peppermint (optional)
16 ounces of water depending on desired strength

Add a teaspoon of solution to small cup of water to use as mouthwash after brushing. If it is too strong, cut with water!

Adult Mouthwash (2 bottles from this recipe)
Remaining amount of Thieves Mouthwash split in half
10 drops Peppermint
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Citrus Fresh
10-12 ounces of distilled water

Use 1-2 teaspoons to rinse mouth after brushing!

This product is amazing and for $11.25, it makes our order every month because of all we can do with it! Since we are part of the loyalty program we get 25% back on that. Who else loves this product and these recipes?
(also stay tuned to on how to snag this label and SO many more in the month of September!)


DIY Faves: Foaming Hand Soap

DIY Faves: Foaming Hand Soap
Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that we wash our hands to support a healthy immune system, but the majority of the hand soaps on the store shelves are riddled with toxins and unwanted chemicals? 

If you think your soap is " clean" check for that "Fragrance" label. That is the term companies are able to hide the nasty ingredients under (whether it has to do with the smell or not!). They do not have to disclose that information is proprietary! 

Well, here is an INEXPENSIVE and TOXIN-FREE recipe to keep those hands clean and moisturized. All you need is three ingredients and your distilled water! The ability to create your own signature soap scent, is endless! 

Here is the recipe:

1/3 cup Castile Soap or YL Bath & Shower Gel base
1 tsp. Carrier oil
20-25 drops EOs
8-12 ounces water

Mix in foaming soap dispenser! Great gift idea too!

What are some of your favorite combos?

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