Little Humans, Big Emotions Activity

Little Humans, Big Emotions Activity
Whether it is the busy days of summer or a long school day, you never know when emotions are going to catch up to our kids. Sometimes, as moms, we can see it coming hours before the meltdown occurs or sometimes, it comes out of nowhere and we are left trying to figure out what triggered such a strong response. Either way, we want to do our best to help our kids work through those tough moments.
One thing I have learned through the ups and downs with my own kids is, the time to talk about it is after the emotional moment has passed and things have settled. Otherwise, things we may be saying or suggesting aren’t even being heard because they are working so hard on processing what they are struggling with. In fact, in may cause more stress and frustration for everyone in the moment.
There are three things that have helped my kids in moments of big emotions.
  1. Personal Space
  2. Breath work
  3. Aromatherapy (we associate certain aromas with various feelings)
Today, I want to tell you about a fun tool you can have on hand in those hard moments for our kids.
Feelings Dough
This tool incorporates smell, touch, and sight! I find that tools are more effective when you incorporate the senses. This is a tool you will want to create with your child!  

What you will need:
2 cups cornstarch
1 cup lotion (non-scented or lightly scented is best. No fragrance)
Three different essential oils.
One for “happy”- we like an oil blend called “Citrus Fresh”
One for “calm” -we like an oil called “Peace and Calming”
One for “brave”- we like an oil called “Valor”
Food Coloring
Combine the cornstarch, lotion, and oil for “happy”. Ask the child what color they associate with being happy. Add the color to the mixture! When combined, place in a jar with lid and label it “happy”.
Repeat this for the “calm” and “brave” jar.
 Explain to the child, when they feel themselves getting frustrated, sad, or discouraged, to grab the desired jar and play with that playdough for a bit. Once, they have settled, they can bring it to you and you can talk through what was bothering the child.
You can also create dough that promotes focus. 

This tool is perfect to have on hand in a classroom, playroom, or therapy bag!

Boredom Buster: Sensory Salt Tray

Boredom Buster: Sensory Salt Tray
This is a fun sensory activity that is playful and incorporates learning at the same time! 

This activity really engages the senses! 

You can create various colors. 
You should incorporate calming aromas. 
You have tactile stimulation. 

What you will need: 

Salt ( I just grabbed some from the Dollar Tree) 
Food dye
Calming essential oils ( Our favorites are Peace & Calming, Stress Away, and Valor)
A cookie sheet or baking dish

Pencil, stick, small objects

To create the colorful, scented salts, pour 2-3 cups of salt into a large ziplock bag. Add several drops of desired food coloring and allow your child to shake it up until well mixes. 

Have a few options of oils available. Let the child smell the oils and pick the one they prefer. Add a few drops of oil to the bag and mix around once more. 

Pour the contents onto a baking sheet or a baking dish. You may want a dish for the smaller kiddos. 

Pick the activity you are going to work on! Here are some ideas: 

-Practicing their uppercase and lowercase letters
-Practicing writing their name.
-Writing down the letter of the sound you provide them.
- Drawing shapes.
- Practicing a spelling list from school. 
- practicing vocabulary by giving the child a definition of the word and having them right the correct word
- Practicing writing their numbers
-Writing math equations

The possibilities are endless! You can have the child use their finger, a pencil, or other simple objects. For the littles, you can simply have them search for objects in the salt. For example, "Can you find the ____, for me?"

By engaging the senses, you make a daunting task less stressful and more fun! 

Who thinks that this is simple enough to give it a try?