Eczema...much more than dry skin!

Eczema...much more than dry skin!

It never fails, around this time every year, the word eczema starts popping up everywhere. Every so often, I hear someone blame it on the weather and time of year, but from experience, I have news for you. It is so much more!

The skin is the largest organ of the body. My own skin issues and experience with eczema have taught me, if my skin is acting up, something is going on within. I have always considered it a sign of inflammation. Through some digging for myself and my son, I learned there is a HUGE link between the health of our skin and our gut health. If you are having issues with your skin, you better check your gut.

This time of year, we start bombarding our systems with all of the indulgences and sweet treats. Sugar doesn't do our gut health or immune system any favors. 

So, what are somethings that support a healthy gut? Well, watch your sugar intake! It has a great impact on your gut health. Hence, the flare ups around this time of year. Dairy can also negatively affect your GI tract.  My skin and my son’s skin will flare up when we overdo the dairy. If your skin is suffering, you may want to consider cutting it out completely for a bit.

A good probiotic can help you support a healthy gut! For several years now, we have been using Life 9 for myself, and MightyPro Pre+Probiotic, for the boys. You cannot beat the quality and the all the beneficial strains of bacteria in these two products.  Make sure you are taking your probiotic at night. 

Also consider, apple cider vinegar! If you are not a fan, Bragg’s makes capsules that are easy to swallow. Otherwise, we like this simple “tea” in the morning. My son calls it his “morning tea.”

“Morning Tea”

Mug of warm water

2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (we like Braggs)

2 drops Lemon oil (also helps to support your gut and cleanse the system)

1 teaspoon of honey

Now let’s talk about how to help the scaly, itchy, dry patches that can drive a person crazy!!

Have you ever heard of MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane? Well, if not, Google away and be amazed at the benefits. One of them is skincare. You can use a lotion that contains MSM, such as the Genesis Lotion, or you can take one of my favorite supplements called Sulfurzyme. 

Now, why the Genesis Lotion? Well, it contains MSM (big win) AND an abundance of skin supporting essential oils such as Geranium, Jasmine, Coriander, Ylang Ylang, and more! This way your external symptoms aren’t stuck waiting for your internal issues to improve.

I personally, like to add an essential oil blend called Melrose to the lotion. It takes things up a notch! Especially when we are making our way through some flare ups. Melrose is inexpensive and contains Tea Tree, Niaouli, Rosemary, and Clove. I love adding this oil to my shampoo for an itchy scalp as well! This oil is so versatile that I feel like I could write an entire blog entry on it! Put Melrose, Cedarwood, and Lavender in an Epsom Salt bath and you have some winning relief. Whether you decide to use it in your lotion or not, it is a must have for so much more.

This routine is quite simple if you can remember to take your probiotic at night and apply your lotion/oil as needed. All of the above has definitely helped our family though some troubling skin issues. 

Quarantine Hair

Quarantine Hair
Alright friends! 

When is the last time you had your hair cut? I chopped my hair off in the fall and had my last cut the first week in December. With all of life's events and now the stay-at-home orders, I have absolutely no idea when a haircut will make it onto our schedule. To be honest, I wanted to start growing my hair out after my last haircut. This mama missed the ease of putting her hair in a ponytail. However, I knew I was in trouble with these color treated ends and no haircut for sometime. Over the last few months, I changed a few things in my routine and my hair has absolutely taken off and is looking super healthy! 

I am here to share that with you as I know switching to a plant-based hair care routine can be so tricky! First, in the fall, I started taking an MSM supplement, after attending Silver Retreat. Lindsey Elmore spoke about Sulfurzyme and how beneficial it was for our bodies. She said it should be incorporated into everyone's routine. This got me digging. I started googling MSM and WOW! I get it, we should all look into an MSM supplement. The list of benefits go on and on. MSM has been studied and may support things such as:

  • Inflammation/Arthritis
  • Cartilage Preservation
  • Range of Motion & Physical Function
  • Reduce Muscle Soreness Associated with Exercise
  • Reduce Oxidative Stress
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Skin Quality & Texture 
I found this article helpful! . Rather than go down the rabbit hole of all the supplements available, I went with what I knew and trusted, Young Living. After about three weeks of taking Sulfurzyme, I noticed a difference in my nails, hair, and muscle tightness/soreness post workouts. If you are looking for a starting point with supplements, here is a great one! 

Onto nourishing my actual hair! 
My hair is growing. There is no doubt about that! The question now was how to nourish and make it through all of these months without a haircut.  The big key here, is a plant-based formula. We are trying to nourish the hair and stay away from harsh chemicals and toxins. However, if you have ever tried to make the switch, you know it can be tricky! 

Step 1: Cleansing
I recommend everyone start with Young Living's Lavender Shampoo! It is light and you get a great lather. Another bonus, it ALSO contains MSM. You need no more than a nickle-sized amount! My husband uses less. Only cleanse your SCALP! Unless you have product in your hair, you only need to wash your scalp. Leave those natural oils that are nourishing your hair alone. If you find you need more moisture in your shampoo, then try the Lavender Mint Shampoo. If your hair is extremely dry, over-treated, or breaks easily, I would look into the Copaiba Vanilla. 

Step 2: Conditioning
If you have fine hair that is prone to oil and grease, go with Young Living's Lavender Conditioner. I have color treated hair so I want something with more moisturizing components. I go with the Young Living Lavender Mint Conditioner. You are going to wring your hair out and gather in your hand like you are putting your hair in a ponytail. Massage a dime to a nickel-size amount into the hair you gathered, staying away from the scalp.  The conditioners are as thick as body butter so you do not want to over do it.  Leave in your hair while you finish your shower and then rinse. 

Step 3:  Leave-In Conditioning (optional)
If you have short or thin hair, you may want to skip this step or use a lighter conditioner, such as the Lavender Conditioner. I like to use the Copaiba Vanilla conditioner because my hair is color-treated and my ends need extra nourishment.  A bottle will last you months and months and months if you are only using it for this step.Take a pea-sized amount in your hands and massage conditioner into the ends of your hair. Leave it in and wrap hair in micro-fiber towel. 

Step 4: Healthy Scalp (optional)
I love this step year round. I change the oils I add to this recipe based on my scalp health. If I am dry, itchy, or irritated, I grab Lavender, Melrose, and Cedarwood. If I am looking to promote healthy growing conditions, I grab Rosemary, Cedarwood, and Geranium. If I want an added boost, I add Ylang Ylang. Start with half a dropper to one dropper full of Mirah Lustrious Hair Oil. Drop into two ounce spray bottle. Add 5 drops each of three essential oils of you choice. Top the bottle with alcohol-free witch hazel and shake to mix. Before drying hair, lift hair and spritz mixture on the root of your hair. Comb through and style as usual. 

That is it folks! I swear by this routine. My hair feels AH-mazing. My ends look healthy and my hair is growing. If you aren't ready to jump in at once, start with the Sulfurzyme and Lavender Shampoo. Then slowly build your haircare collection from there. This would be a great time to jump on Essential Rewards, ease yourself into the routine, and earn points back to spend on your oils! 

You will love the results. Here is a YouTube video of me talking about my routine!