Eczema...much more than dry skin!

It never fails, around this time every year, the word eczema starts popping up everywhere. Every so often, I hear someone blame it on the weather and time of year, but from experience, I have news for you. It is so much more!

The skin is the largest organ of the body. My own skin issues and experience with eczema have taught me, if my skin is acting up, something is going on within. I have always considered it a sign of inflammation. Through some digging for myself and my son, I learned there is a HUGE link between the health of our skin and our gut health. If you are having issues with your skin, you better check your gut.

This time of year, we start bombarding our systems with all of the indulgences and sweet treats. Sugar doesn't do our gut health or immune system any favors. 

So, what are somethings that support a healthy gut? Well, watch your sugar intake! It has a great impact on your gut health. Hence, the flare ups around this time of year. Dairy can also negatively affect your GI tract.  My skin and my son’s skin will flare up when we overdo the dairy. If your skin is suffering, you may want to consider cutting it out completely for a bit.

A good probiotic can help you support a healthy gut! For several years now, we have been using Life 9 for myself, and MightyPro Pre+Probiotic, for the boys. You cannot beat the quality and the all the beneficial strains of bacteria in these two products.  Make sure you are taking your probiotic at night. 

Also consider, apple cider vinegar! If you are not a fan, Bragg’s makes capsules that are easy to swallow. Otherwise, we like this simple “tea” in the morning. My son calls it his “morning tea.”

“Morning Tea”

Mug of warm water

2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (we like Braggs)

2 drops Lemon oil (also helps to support your gut and cleanse the system)

1 teaspoon of honey

Now let’s talk about how to help the scaly, itchy, dry patches that can drive a person crazy!!

Have you ever heard of MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane? Well, if not, Google away and be amazed at the benefits. One of them is skincare. You can use a lotion that contains MSM, such as the Genesis Lotion, or you can take one of my favorite supplements called Sulfurzyme. 

Now, why the Genesis Lotion? Well, it contains MSM (big win) AND an abundance of skin supporting essential oils such as Geranium, Jasmine, Coriander, Ylang Ylang, and more! This way your external symptoms aren’t stuck waiting for your internal issues to improve.

I personally, like to add an essential oil blend called Melrose to the lotion. It takes things up a notch! Especially when we are making our way through some flare ups. Melrose is inexpensive and contains Tea Tree, Niaouli, Rosemary, and Clove. I love adding this oil to my shampoo for an itchy scalp as well! This oil is so versatile that I feel like I could write an entire blog entry on it! Put Melrose, Cedarwood, and Lavender in an Epsom Salt bath and you have some winning relief. Whether you decide to use it in your lotion or not, it is a must have for so much more.

This routine is quite simple if you can remember to take your probiotic at night and apply your lotion/oil as needed. All of the above has definitely helped our family though some troubling skin issues. 


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