Your New Winter Skincare Habit!

Your New Winter Skincare Habit!
We are smack dab, in the middle of the winter months! Every time the seasons change, our skin is expected to adjust, and we are quickly Googling to see what we need for dry skin, red skin, chapped skin, or increased breakouts.
Something my clean-living journey has made me realize is the simple ingredients make a BIG difference. When it comes to essential oils, outside of a sleep solution for kids, skincare was next up on my “aha” moment list. As I continued to incorporate natural ingredients into my beauty routine and learned how essential oils worked, I transformed my skin to be the best it has EVER been.
However, the winter months sure do throw me for a loop! That was until I discovered the oil cleansing method. As a female with oily skin, I immediately pumped the brakes on this skincare habit. However, the more I read, the more curious I got.
Guess what?
I have been oil cleansing for at least 6 years now. It started with a DIY recipe and then I fell in love with an oil cleanser from one of my favorite essential oil lines called Mirah.
I am someone who needs to wash their face when they wake up. Then, I usually workout and need to wash it once more. Come bedtime, I am cleansing once more! That is a lot of stripping away dirt and oil and obviously can contribute to my oily skin.
In reading about oil cleansing, I learned that oil dissolves oil. When you massage your oil cleanser into your skin, it is dissolving all the dirt and oil from your day and nourishing it with the new oil! This is perfect for those of us who tend to wash multiple times a day. Even for any of us looking to restore balance in our skin’s moisture levels.
Here is a list of carrier oils you can use: 
Castor Oil (cleansing)
Rosehip Oil (nourishing)
Sunflower Oil ( all skin types)
Avocado Oil (dry skin)
Sweet Almond Oil (oily skin)
Jojoba Oil (oily skin)
Apricot Kernel Oil (dry skin)

Some of my favorite essential oils to add: 
Melrose (a blend that is fantastic for irritated or skin that breaks out)
Lavender (calming)
Frankincense (aging with grace)
Grapefruit (skin tone)
Lemon (clogged pores)
Geranium (skin tone)
Joy (floral blend)
Palmarosa (balance)
Peppermint (balance)
Here is a great DIY recipe and directions to get started! Keep in mind, you can swap the carriers and essential oils out for your skin type.
2 Tablespoons Castor Oil
2 Tablespoons of Rosehip Oil
2 Tablespoons of Jojoba Oil
10 drops Joy or Geranium
5 drops Grapefruit or Lemon
5 drops Frankincense
Combine in a pump or squeeze bottle. Massage about a teaspoon of oil cleanser into your skin. Grab a washcloth and soak it in very warm water. Place the washcloth on your face and steam the dirt and oil away. Wipe clean.
If you prefer to purchase a cleansing oil. My favorite is the Lustrous Mirah Cleansing Oil from Young Living. It lasts me months and months. I use it in the morning when I don’t need such a deep clean. It is loaded with floral oils which is just what my almost 40-year-old face needs! You can grab it below.

The Red Juice

The Red Juice

Let's talk about the product my husband told me I need to be telling everyone about....Ningxia Red! 

How many of you received your kit and were clueless on what did to with those red packets?

Step 1: Put them in the fridge.

How many of you were totally thrown off by the name you couldn't pronounce and just pushed them aside?

Step 2: Get your shot glass ready.

How many of you thought we were all a little off because we were taking shots of some juice you couldn't pronounce?

Step 3: Add a drop of your favorite vitality oil and send it down the hatch!

What is this stuff???
Well to make the pronunciation easier, I am going to keep it simple and tell you it is Wolfberry juice! Major super food shot here! It can also be called goji berry. Not so scary anymore?

• It has over 15% protein by weight
• It contains over 21 essential minerals
• It contains 18 amino acids
• 67 times the vitamin b1 of brown rice
• 2 times the vitamin b3 of bakers yeast
• 3 times the vitamin c of raw oranges
• 5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
• 2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach 100 g of Ningxia Wolfberry contains 1600 mg of potassium!!

1-2 ounces of Wolfberry juice a day is all you need.

Where does the word Ningxia come from? Location! Location! Location!

The wolfberries for our juice, actually sourced from a location that gets flooded with important minerals. The NingXia Wolfberry is native to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region of Northern China. Its botanical name is Lycium Barbarum L and is the most highly esteemed for its medicinal and healing properties of all of the Lycium species that exist in China. The highest concentration of the NingXia Wolfberry crop is located in the Yellow River Flood Plain. This flood plain derives its water from the Himalayan Mountains. This water flows through the mountain snowpack and lower Himalayan foothills and becomes charged with an INSANE mixture of minerals and organic nutrients. By the time that it reaches the NingXia province it is a mineral-rich, super-fertile silt water…the likes of which you will find nowhere else on earth. YEAH. THAT GOOD.

Want to hear just one of the reasons why you should be taking a daily shot?

This NingXia wolfberry also has a pretty incredible ORAC score. ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It’s essentially a test that attempts to quantify how powerful the antioxidant capacity is of a food. So, for example…blueberries are a known high-antioxidant food, and they rate just under 5,000 on the ORAC scale. Ningxia Red comes in at a whopping 30,000 on the S-ORAC (same thing as ORAC - just specified for supplements)! 😮

Want the science to back up all of the benefits of this Wolfberry juice?

YL gives new members the opportunity to try our Wolfberry juice at a stellar price point through the Ningxia Premium Starter Kit! 

Already a member? The Essential Rewards Ningxia Red Kit is a way to get the biggest bang for your buck!