12 Compounding Habits to Work into Your New Year!

12 Compounding Habits to Work into Your New Year!
A new year has arrived! 

Along with a new year often comes chatter of big goals, the desire for significant change, and resolutions. We start our year with high levels of motivation and confidence. As soon as things don’t happen as fast as we want or life happens and throw our plans and goals for a loop, it is easy to fall off track and throw in the towel. 

What if we started small? 
What if we didn’t aim for big change all at once? 
What if we made several small changes over time? 
What if this included introducing taking NEW habits rather than jumping right to eliminating the old?

Something I learned over 2022 was the impact that consistent, small changes can have over time! Small changes, small goals, or small habits over the course of the year can lead to big change over time. Save yourself the burnout, shame, and pressure to meet big goals so quickly. Appreciate the small milestones and introduction of new, healthy habits that will compound over time and lead to sustainable and consistent transformation!

The first step in starting your journey for the year, is to decide on the focus. From there you can break down small habits that you can address monthly. I say, pick one habit a month. The more you practice it, the more it will become like second nature to you. Adding another habit to the mix after 30 days won’t seem so daunting because you won’t be thinking twice about the habit you introduced the month prior. 

If you are struggling to brainstorm 12 habits for the year, start with 6. You can always address the final six habits as you experience change with the first six. 

Here is a list of 12 habits to assist you in creating your personal list of 12. 

  1. Drink ___ water every day. 
  2. Put my cell phone down 30 minutes before bed. Do not pick my cell phone up for 30 minutes after I wake up. 
  3. 20 minutes of movement every day. 
  4. Take a multi-vitamin & probiotic daily. 
  5. Go to bed a certain time every night. 
  6. Journal before bed or when you wake up. 
  7. Declutter a space in your home every week. 
  8. Eat dinner at home _ nights a week. 
  9. Take lunch to work every day. 
  10. Do 10-15 minutes of stretching/yoga before bed. 
  11. Make a healthy product swap.
Ideas for kids:
  1. Eat a fruit/vegetable every day.
  2. Practice daily gratitude. 
  3. Make bed. 
  4. Help with a task around the house daily. 
  5. Read 20-30 minutes daily. 
  6. Say something kind to sibling or parent daily. 
  7. Go to bed by a certain time. 
  8. Play with or walk the dog daily. 
  9. Limit screen time to _____ each day. 
  10. Family walks. 
  11. Ask others about their day daily. 
  12. Journal at the end of the day. 

Remember, these are just ideas to get your wheels turning! You know yourself and the outcomes you desire. Again, all 12 may not come to you now. Be sure to check in with yourself from time to time! Grab yourself a habit tracker to help yourself stay accountable.
You’ve got this! Happy New Year! 

Pumpkin Spice is in the air....

Pumpkin Spice is in the air....
It is officially fall...

My décor is out, and things are starting to feel cozy in our home. A big part of bringing those warm fall feelings into your home, are the aromas that greet you at the door and linger all day long! Over the years, it seems the first aroma that comes to mind when fall hits is “Pumpkin Spice”. Whether it be in your drink, lotion, or hand soap, we always want that sweet spice.
I was delighted to discover all the fall essential oils several months after I started making healthy product swaps in my home. When I can make my home smell like autumn AND keep the air in my home healthy for my family, it is a win.

The perfect Pumpkin Spice essential oil blend includes Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Nutmeg, and Ginger. You can add them to your fall mixtures and diffusers one oil at a time, OR you can choose to make a large batch of Pumpkin Spice blend using the above oils. Either way, this bundle of oils is the perfect way to create all things fall. We are talking room sprays, body mist, hand soap, cleaners, etc.
To make a 15 mL batch of your Pumpkin Spice blend, you will want to use an empty essential oil bottle or grab a 15 mL glass dropper bottle from Amazon. 

Add the following amounts to the bottle:
100 drops of Orange
100 drops of Cinnamon Bark ( about 1 5mL bottle)
30 drops of Clove
30 drops of Nutmeg
30 drops of Ginger
This Pumpkin Spice blend will be what you add to your diffuser, sugar scrubs, room sprays, cleaners, etc.
Below, you can find my new fall hand soap recipe using this blend!

Other ways to put this awesome blend to use!
  • Add 15 drops of this Pumpkin Spice Blend to your bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner to create a custom all-purpose cleaner!
  • Combine this blend with Vanilla Extract and top with carrier oil of choice to create a perfume roller.
  • Combine with vanilla extract, water, witch hazel, and vodka to create a body spray.
  • Combine with 1/3 cup coconut oil and 2/3 cup of Sugar in the Raw to create a sugar scrub.
The Pumpkin Spice list goes on and on!

Create these recipes for yourself or share with a friend. When you purchase the essential oil bundle using the referral link below, I will send you the label and recipe set below! Simply email me at theessentialdropin@gmail.com to inform me of your purchase.

Shopping List-
Grab your essential oil bundle, cleaner, and hand soap base HERE!(15% off site wide through September 26th.)
Grab amber bottle set HERE!
Happy fall!

Semi-DIY Fall Foaming Hand Soap

We are transitioning to the fall season and craving all the fall aromas, colors, and decorations that are going to make our home feel warm, festive, and cozy!
Back in the day, this mom would make a trip to the mall to stock up on all the fall candles, plug-ins, and hand soaps.
Here we are in 2022, and after a PCOS diagnosis in my late twenties, I know better. I know that what I am bringing into my home matters. I know that the environment I create for my family WILL impact their health. The transition to healthy products has been slow but I have found ways to make these swaps sustainable, budget-friendly, AND event better than my old mall favorites.
This is the time of year that I am trying to ramp up our immune system so the less toxin exposure the better! Luckily, I control this in our home.
I am excited to share my new semi-DIY with you! It combines one of my favorite products, with some essential oils to satisfy my need to constantly smell the scents of the seasons! Today, we will focus on fall aromas.

Pumpkin Spice seems to be the first aroma that comes to mind at the first mention of fall. However, I know some of you are like me and prefer crisp herbal aromas. I will share several combinations below but first, let’s start with a great base!
We love using Thieves Foaming Hand Soap in our home. If you are familiar with Thieves, you know that it already smells like fall with a combination of Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, and Clove essential oils.
Let’s take up a notch….
We are going to use Thieves Foaming Hand Soap as your base. This will ensure a powerful aroma that will have you taking a deep breath in after you wash those hands.
Things you will need: 
A foaming hand soap dispenser
Purified Water
Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
25 drops total of your favorite fall essential oils
Vitamin E or Olive Oil
If you like baked goods and sugar and spice, you will like this first combination called “Autumn Spice”.
1/3 cup Thieves Hand Soap Refill
7 drops Cinnamon Bark
5 drops Nutmeg
5 drops Clove
5 drops Ginger (optional)
10 drops Orange
½ teaspoon of olive oil or Vitamin E oil
2/3 cup purified water
Mix in foaming hand soap container and screw pump into it. Add label and twine to dress up the bottle.
If you prefer a crisp, warm, woodsy aroma then “Autumn Air” will be a great start for you!
1/3 cup Thieves Hand Soap Refill
10 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
5 drops Eucalyptus
10 Drops Orange
½ teaspoon olive oil or Vitamin E oil
2/3 cup purified water
Mix in foaming hand soap container and screw pump into it. Add label and twine to dress up the bottle.
You can get 12 bottles of these DIY foaming hand soap recipes from one bottle of Thieves Hand Soap Refill solution. Not to mention, you can diffuse what is left of your fall oil collection.
You can shop the bottles here!
You can shop the essential oils and Thieves solution here!
Purchase the oils and hand soap solution for yourself, and I will mail you the labels for you hand soaps. Simply email me at theessentialdropin@gmail.com to request them!