What changed my PCOS...
The three things that have transformed my cycle after my PCOS diagnosis…

1.    My food. While I started strict and stringent with cutting sugar, dairy, and gluten, I have learned how to have a healthy balance that works for me. I am aware of when my body is inflamed and how to get back on track. The book I mention below was a HUGE eye opener. I hadn’t outgrown my dairy intolerance; it was just rearing its head in other ways. 

2.    Movement. Consistent movement and exercise help me with healthy energy levels, mental clarity, and overall wellness. You do NOT have to kill yourself at the gym to move. In fact, you want to make sure you keep your routine simple to make consistency more attainable. 

3.    This was late to the game, but since I introduced my body to a wild yam serum called Progessence Plus by Young Living, my cycle has gone from long, unpredictable, and uncomfortable, to predictable with minimal discomfort (if any). Something that I had never experienced before. It contains bioidentical natural progesterone from wild yams. To top it off, it contains a blend of essential oils that supports overall mood, inflammation, and hormones. When I initially started using it, I used it daily. I applied two drops to either my inner forearms or my outer ankles. Once things were regulated, I was able to back off a bit. Now, I apply this before bed, the last 14 days of my cycle. If you struggle to sleep around that time, apply it at night as it has helped me so much in that way! 
More information and purchase link, here.
At 38, my body is doing what it should have been doing at 26 but wasn’t.
I know in my heart, that if my nurse practitioner did not refer me to a book called, “The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS & Infertility”, my health would look different right now. Is it because this “diet” (which really was just cutting inflammatory foods), solved all my problems? No. It is because it opened my eyes to a bigger picture! My health was in my control and there were so many layers to what was impacting my body in a BIG WAY. 

I will be briefly chatting about the book and serum in my stories today! If you are struggling with your cycles/hormones, start with on thing and slowly peel back to rest. You are in control! 

This throwback photo of my two boys is filling me with all the gratitude and giving me all the feels!


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