Sniffles and Sinuses

Sniffles and Sinuses
In our member Facebook group, we recently held a Q & A. We had a question pertaining to sinus issues! I am sure we can all relate to this. Especially with the seasons changing, issues with seasonal sniffles and upper respiratory support may be a struggle.  Here are some tips and recipes to help you through your struggles!

Diffuser Ideas:  Equal amounts of each oil in each diffuser blend: 

Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint
Melrose, Lavender, Lemon
Copaiba, Raven, Lemon 
Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus 
RC, Lavender, Cedarwood( great for bedtime)  

 #protip: If you have any citrus oil on hand for these issues, let it be lemon! I like to refer to it as the "drainer" :) 

Roll-On Ideas:  
Top 10 ml roller bottle with carrier oil after oils are added. Apply over sinuses, back of neck, and downward over neck and chest. Breathe Again Roll-On ( already made for ya!) 

15 Lemon, 15 Lavender, 10 Copaiba, 10 Peppermint ( may vary from person to person. )
10 Lemon, 10 Digize, 10 Copaiba, 15 Lavender, 5 Peppermint
10 RC, 5 Pine, 10 Lemon, 10 Lavender, 5 Ravintsara 

Nasal Swab:  Grab a teaspoon of Rose Ointment OR Coconut oil ( coconut oil may be a little greasy when it warms up.Add: 
2 drops of RC+ 2 drops Lavender
 OR 2 drops Melrose + 2 drops Lavender
Take a cotton swap, dip it into mixture and swab the inside of each nostril. Dispose of cotton swab. 

Steam Tent:  
Grab a mug of hot water. You want steam! Have a towel ready to drape over head and mug once oils are added to steaming water. Have the tissues ready! To mug of steaming water add one of the following combinations: 
2 Tea Tree, 2 Lemon, 2 Peppermint 
2 Melrose, 2 Peppermint, 2 Lavender
 2 Oregano, 2 Eucalyptus, 2 Lemon
 2 RC, 2 Rosemary, 2 Lavender 
Once oils are mixed in water, drape towel over head. Breathe in and breathe out for several minutes. Close your eyes as vapors will be strong.  

I leave you with another favorite recipe! We love a good Epsom salt soak in this house. This is a favorite when we are suffering from the seasonal changes. 

Hope you have found these recipes and tips helpful! 
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